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Summer of Code/2013/Social Sugar project
This page tracks the progress of Akshit Khurana's GSoC project: "Social Sugar". More details about the project can be found on proposal page.
Work done
- checked out previous work done: on webservices, journalx and sugar-network.
- added social_ids to BuddyModel, still working on integration to access them in group view.
- reading about GObject and Python GTK
Week ending Friday Jun 21st
- read about GObject, gconf and some PyGTK.
- am able to read social_ids from BuddyModel, access them in Group/Network views, send data through telepathy.
Week ending Jun 28th
- Social ids are taken from webservices' Account models.
- Working on User Interface for mini profiles. See notes from Mini profiles UI discussion.
Adding social ids
What are social ids?
Social IDs identify a user on external platforms uniquely.
To create mini profiles in group view, we can add a social_ids dictionary to BaseBuddy model in addition to other properties like nick and color. social_ids is a mapping of `service key` : `uid`.
E.g. {'project_sharing_website': '19348r93jfioaf', 'another_service': 'adfjafp1asdf'}
These social_ids will be obtained when a user adds his account to webservices module.
Mini Profiles
- Small cloud icon around buddy with same colors (if social_ids is not None)
- Expanded view (mini profile)
- The small cloud icon expands into a thought cloud.
- Displays one item from each webservice at a time, rotating.
- Each service should support a GET info by public user ID.
- Service plugin will implement service call and widget content.
I tried making an SVG icon in inkscape:
- see how comments work and think which new methods we should need to get our "interactions" information
socialsugar branch on my sugar fork on github.