Hosted on
Administrative contact
- For problems concerning a specific mailing-list, please contact the individual administrator reported on in the mailing-list summary page
- Technical contact for Mailman and general email routing: postmaster AT sugarlabs DOT org
For non-emergency calls, preferably send email to the administrative contact.
Change virtual host of a list
bin/withlist -l -r fix_url bolivia -u
Change a parameter on all lists
echo "nondigestable = True" >bar for l in `bin/list_lists -b`; do bin/config_list -i bar -v $l ; done rm bar
Disabling digests for all users
Create a with this content:
from Mailman import mm_cfg def nodigests(m): for addr in m.getMembers(): if m.getMemberOption(addr, mm_cfg.Digests) == True: print "turning off digests for " + addr m.setMemberOption(addr, mm_cfg.Digests, 0) m.Save() m.Unlock()
Then, execute:
bin/withlist -l -r nodigests -a
Migrating lists from one host to another
To migrate lists from solarsail to sunjammer, I did the following:
- Lower TTL for to 30 minutes
- Copy over config before cut-off:
ssh solarsail cd /var/lib/mailman/lists/ rsync -aP aslo bugs colombia community-news dextrose fourthgrademath gsoc iaep italia marketing slobs soas somosazucar sugar-desarrollo sugar-devel sugar-reports systems systems-logs root@sunjammer:/var/lib/mailman/lists/ cd /var/lib/mailman/archives/private rsync -aP aslo* bugs* colombia* community-news* dextrose* fourthgrademath* gsoc* iaep* italia* marketing* slobs* soas* somosazucar* sugar-desarrollo* sugar-devel* sugar-reports* systems* systems-logs* root@sunjammer:/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/
- Copy over the bits from the Postfix configuration (
- Test admin pages and archives on the new site (hint: set the new IP for in /etc/hosts)
- Announce downtime on all affected lists
- Stop mailman on solarsail
- Switch over DNS records (with default TTL values)
- Remove mailman transport map from solarail, leaving the relay, so that gets sent to sunjammer
- Restart mailman on solarsail