
Revision as of 14:33, 24 October 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Sweets Distribution: updates to page)


It is Recommended to look at Trisquel for another solution
Trisquel is Ubuntu based and works well. (Trisquel 4 and 4.1 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Trisquel 4.5, on Ubuntu 10.10.)
Trisquel 4.5.1-sugar: Trisquel On A Sugar Toast#trisquel-sugar_4.5.1_i686
Sugar on Ubuntu wiki:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar

200px-Edubuntu.pngSugar Desktop 0.90 on edubuntu 11.10

Updated: 10/20/2011
Note classic gnome fallback is available on install

To install Sugar

Ubuntu Software Center/Education (All Software)
Search: sugar
sugar 0.90 [x] use this one   bugs: 1-) cp/software update does not work 2-) Central f1 Avitar disappears after several minutes
sugar 0.84
sugar 0.88
sugar 0.86
  • Control Panel:
ubuntu 10.10
Sugar 0.90.1
Do updates right away
System Settings/Network to configure wireless AP
Applications/Education/sugar drag sugar XO icon to desktop
Properties (right click) change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)
Sugar only comes with turtle art 98 and pippy 37
  • Surf-115 can be drag dropped to the journal from a 2nd USB
Download to USB: http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
This allows installation of many activities from ASLO (surf start new screen/activities) including the following:
physics 8
terminal 31
edit 8
surf 115
irc 10
chat 72

200px-Edubuntu.pngedubuntu 11.04

  • Use Sweets_Distribution to install sugar

Sugar Desktop 0.88.1 on Ubuntu 11.04

11.04 has replaced Gnome with the Unity interface plus sugar 0.88.1
Works fine if you drag-drop surf-115.xo to journal from 2nd usb.
You then can install the applications you need from ASLO: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/
  • Works fine. Tested on a new install 07/31/2011

suggestion choose "Ubuntu classic" from gdm log-in switcher. (This gives Classic Gnome Desktop)

Tested on an ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 10" Netbook
Everything works on all of these options, including wireless.

Sugar-desktop 0.88 on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10

Sweets Distribution

NEW Sweets Distribution Updated instructions 10/23/2011
These are Dextrose (2 and 3), thus more than just Sugar (0.88 - 0.94), it contains several features that still are not committed to the trunk + bug fixes.
Full Screen Sugar-emulator
  • Applications/Education/Sugar
right click: Add this launcher to the desktop
Open (right click)/Properties/Command: sweets-sugar-emulator -f
add -f to command (full screen)
  • Click on Sugar Icon
Sugar Desktop from gdm Login
Click on Name
Select Sweets Distribution on gdm bottom bar
enter password; Login
  • Tested on install 10/24/2011
  • To turn off screensaver and power management:
HINT:CAPS lock does not always work in sugar-terminal so use shift key to get lower case.
xset s off
xset -dpms

Ubuntu on MacBookPro


Ubuntu 10.10 for PowerPC


Sweets Usage


Ubuntu Sugar Remix, Maple Syrup, and earlier Ubuntu versions