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Install Sugar 0.88.1 on Trisquel 5.0
- Preferred tested and updated 07/22/2011 satellit
- Synaptic Package Manager
- search for Sugar
- Install Sugar-tools-0.88
- Will fill in 38 files
- Menu/Education/Sugar
- add icon to desktop
- Icon Properties: Change command to sugar-emulator -f
- Add -f
- Start Sugar from Icon
How to add missing Browser to Sugar 0.88.1
- Download surf-115.xo to a USB from here:http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
- OR
- Insert CD:ASLOxo http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit#ASLOxo-5.iso
- Drag Drop surf-115.xo from CD/USB to Sugar-Journal
- Surf-115:
- Install applications you want to Sugar from Activities link on top-right of surf-115 start page (ASLO)
Some Applications that work from ASLO
surf 115 (from drag-drop from 2nd USB to Journal)
- select activities compatable with 0.88 sugar first
ASLO Downloads
irc 10 terminal 33 log 30 record 92 speak 28 abacus 21 physics 8 sugar commander 7 calculate 37 pippy 40 backup 5 (backup journal to USB) restore 4 turtle art 111 ooo4Kids-2 (wait for download -visible from journal)
- Error: after Download of activities f3 activity ring disappears:
- but list view shows installed activities
- To FIX: deselect stars to left of activites on list view and then select 1 activity at a time
- Switch to ring view and back to list view
- Do this for each activity
Install Sugar 0.90.1 on Trisquel 5.0
- experimental tested and revised 07/22/2011 satellit
- Synaptic Package Manager
- search for Sugar-tools-0.90
- Install Sugar-tools-0.90
- Restart
- Menu/Education/Sugar
- add icon to desktop
- Icon Properties: Change command to sugar-emulator -f
- Add -f
- Start Sugar from Icon
- enter password to unlock keyring
- message repeats (cancel 8 times)
- (Only Pippy in f3 ring)
- Disconnect Network Cable [1] DISREGARD- FIXED
- [1] Jabber must be inactivated or db-errors will occur and long delays will occur.
- f3 ControlPanel/Network/erase (Jabber.sugarlabs.org)
- Reinsert Network Cable
- log out sugar
- connect to network in Gnome
- Start sugar
- enter password for keyring
- Download surf-115.xo to a USB from here:http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
- OR
- Insert CD:ASLOxo http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit#ASLOxo-5.iso
- Drag Drop surf-115.xo from CD/USB to Sugar-Journal
- Surf-115:
- Install applications you want to Sugar from Activities link in surf-115 start page (ASLO)
Some Applications that work from ASLO
surf 115 ----------- irc 10 terminal 33 DO not use [# ] button; use sudo su command to get root terminal-(this is Ubuntu) log 24 record 93 speak 30 abacus 21 physics 8 sugar commander 7 calculate 37 pippy 40 backup 5 (backup journal to USB) restore 4 turtle art 111 (look in journal for end of download) chat 70
Ethernet connection
- Connects with os873 on XO-1.5
Turtle Art
- Turtle Art 107 (XO-1.5)shares with 0.92.1 Turtle art 111 see 2 turtles correctly on both
- cannot share in the reverse direction
chat 70
- chat 70 (XO-1.5)shares with 0.92.1 chat 70 works correctly on both
- cannot share in the reverse direction
Ad-hoc Network 1, 6, 11
- does not connect with os873 on XO-1.5
- Sees Ad-hoc icons on sugar 0.90.2; they change color but will not disconnect from Wireless AP
[1] Known Bugs Sugar 0.90 to 0.92
- Note this behavior on jabber.sugarlabs.org has been fixed by alsroot-DISREGARD
- f1 Network Neighborhood will fill up with too many avitars
- Causes most applications to fail to start on first try due to d-bus errors
- FIX: remove the CP/Network entry of jabber.sugarlabs.org
- save blank line
- Then applications will start on first try.
- Also see: Trisquel On A Sugar Toast
- CP/About me:
- Trisquel 4.5 Sugar 0.88.1
- 3rd version
- http://devel.trisquel.info/sugar/trisquel-sugar_4.5.1_i686.iso 23-May-2011 01:52 399M
Install test VirtualBox
- 3rd version
- VirtualBox 4.0.8 OSX install with CD
- Intro Screens on install:
- error: "the apt lists could not be updated, the installer will not download the extra language packages"
- reboot
- Starts at select color screen with avatar to "Click to change color"
- Better if It started on Name____ screen (<== to get to it now)
- Jabber works; connects and sees other avatars on VM supplied NAT eth0-intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)
- Wireless AP can connect if usb dongle D-Link DWL-122 is plugged in to running VM and the USB extensions are installed.
- if you disconnect and remove working wireless USB dongle need to restart VM for eth0 to connect again to jabber
- record no video or audio
- no audio on TamTam suite
Boot Test Live CD Test
- 3rd version
- User=trisquel ; Password=Blank Needed if you restart Live CD
- booted on Acer Aspire One n450
- Starts on Name____;Color;
- Connects to Wireless AP; then sees Jabber
- still no audio on record 3rd version
- Booted from Live CD it will not logon again after restart of sugar: asks for user and password.
- user=trisquel password=blank required to get back into sugar
- Boots on MacBook Pro i7 (hold "C" on power on) even sees and logs on with external USB wireless Dongle: D-Link DWL-122
Install Test to HD
- 3rd version
- Acer Aspire One 250 gb external USB HD
- error cannot download extra language packs
- No wired network Connection
- () red Is connected to internet
- install continues
- starts on "Click to change color"
- wireless works Acer Aspire One
- sees jabber
- Browse works
- sound works on TamTam suite
- no sound on record
- key:% not favorite Bold=ERROR
tamtamjam 56 (no sound on Mac VM) Works as Booted Cd on Acer Aspire One tamtamsynthlab 55 tamtamedit 55 (no sound on Mac VM) Works as Booted Cd on Acer Aspire One write 73 turtle art 106 -> 107 %terminal 31 fixed etoys 116 read 79 %pippy 38 -> 40 no physics on live CD/ Import error: "cannot import name physics" chat 70 goes on line and joins from f1 neighborhood calculate 35 - > 36 jukebox 20 %log 24 image viewer 17 browse 119 FIXED story builder 16 (sound works on Mac VM) view slides 13 tamtammini 58 (no sound on Mac VM) typing turtle 27 paint 33 irc 9 #sugar and #sugar-es defaults to es jigsaw puzzle 8 physics 8 memorize 36 speak 25 (sound works on Mac VM) poll 27 record 79 (no audio; no video found on Mac VM) Photo and Video work on Acer Aspire One on Booted CD Audio=NO Sound version3 also read etexts 22 (sound works on Mac VM; live cd; install ) No downloads flipsticks 8 labyrinth 11 infoslicer 8 downloaded topic: aspirin from web successfully VM? no Downloads on install or live cd version 3 moon 11 joke machine 12 slider puzzle 8 cartoonbuilder 11 colors 15 clock 5 arithmetic 2 %develop 39 freecell 3
Software Updates...
scratch 19 new implode 10 new browse 119->120 calculate 35->36 "Calculadora" pippy 38->40 turtle art 106->107