
Sugar Code Sprint, Montevideo, May 13 - 14

Information previous to the Code Sprint in: EduJAM/2012/CodeSprint/Previous.

Working issues


1. Porting to gtk3

  1. Make a list of activities being ported / to be ported to gtk3
  2. Work division OLPC/AC

2. AC patches upstream

Making summary of next steps on issues in (dirakx, gonzalo)

3. Butiá robot

(Alain Aguiar)

4. olpc/sugar-games

Decide wether to use olpc-games or sugar-games. Port it to gtk3 (does it fix bugs?) vand build example for working practices. (manuq, aguz, dfrancis, flavio)

5. Serial ports

mlanghoff taught on serial ports usage. [finished]

6. offline oob dextrose/xs

Find ways to build dextrose and XS images being offline (needed in deployments with connectivity difficulties, like Nepal and Rwanda)


7. Sharing on journal bugs

When an activity is shared, it is not possible resuming it without sharing with the same user.


8. bug on events in sugar-games

(related to #4). There seems to be a problem in events handling either on olpc-games and sugar-games. Checking out what happens using gtk3. (flavio)

9. checkers game

(hugo + hector)

10. Pilas Cairo port

Port Pilas-engine ( to Cairo for better integration with Sugar. (Hugo)


  • Flavio Danesse, ceibalJAM!, Activity Central, Uruguay
  • Alan Aguiar, Butiá, Uruguay
  • Daniel Francis, ceibalJAM!, Uruguay
  • Agustin Zubiaga, ceibalJAM!, Uruguay
  • Manuel Quiñones, OLPC, Argentina
  • Gonzalo Odiard, OLPC, Argentina
  • Rafael Ortiz, Activity Central, Colombia
  • Manuel Kauffman, OLPC, Argentina
  • Rubén Rodriguez, Activity Central, España
  • Pablo Flores, Activity Central, Uruguay
  • Hugo Ruscitti, Sugar Labs Argentina
  • Héctor Sánchez, Sugar Labs Argentina
  • Tony Anderson, Estados Unidos
  • Martin Langhoff, OLPC, Argentina

May come later

  • Andrés Aguirre, Butiá, Uruguay
  • Sylvia Sánchez, ceibalJAM!, Uruguay
  • Pablo Vico, España
  • Gabriel Eirea, ceibalJAM!, Uruguay
  • Mario González, Uruguay
  • Juan Cubillo, Costa Rica
  • Ana Paula dos Santos, Uruguay
  • Luis Michelena, Uruguay