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Raspbian is a derivative of Debian for the Raspberry Pi.
In relation to Sugar, Raspbian is a downstream distribution project that can be used to run Sugar.
Using Sugar 0.110 on Raspbian
To use Sugar in Raspbian is almost the same as using it in Debian:
- install Raspbian Jessie in the usual way,
- change /etc/apt/sources.list to use the Stretch testing release,
sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
- update the package lists,
sudo apt update
- upgrade all packages,
sudo apt dist-upgrade,
- install Sugar,
sudo apt install sucrose
- log out,
- log in with the Sugar desktop selected.
Pre-built Images
See Talk:Raspbian.
Using Sugar Activities without Sugar Desktop
Debian packaging of Sugar Activities adds them to the Education menu, so they can be used from desktops other than Sugar.
Using Sugar on a headless Raspberry Pi
You have a Raspberry Pi but you've run out of keyboards, mice, and HDMI displays. Use the 'net.
On the Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt install xrdp adduser guest echo sugar >> /home/guest/.xsession
On your other computer:
rdesktop -g 1200x900 -u guest -p guest IP
See Connecting to a remote desktop on the Raspberry Pi.
Turtle Art/Blocks
You can download Activities/Turtle Art and use it on the normal desktop. You can either download it through the package manager (and get version 98):
sudo apt-get install sugar-turtleart-activity
Turtle art will be added to the Education section of the apps menu.
Or you could get the latest version using git:
git clone https://github.com/sugarlabs/activity-turtleart-gtk2.git turtleart cd turtleart
And use the following to start Turtle Art:
python turtleblocks.py
NOTE: you may encounter an error related to the summary field in the activity.info. If so, open the activity/activity.info file and move the summary field from the bottom of the file, to being the line below the title field
Sugarizer is a HTML5 version of Sugar. It has a basic journal and full web activity support.
You can configure Sugarizer to auto-start by setting your ~/.xinitrc to:
epiphany server.sugarizer.org
(Note: there are a few issues with the browser icons... but sugarizer works well)
Alternatively, you can download the Sugarizer client zip and have it locally on your pi.