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Debian/Raspberry Pi
- Google Drive 2017-06-26-rpi3-stretch.img.zip
- Sugar Labs 2017-06-26-rpi3-stretch.img.zip
Testing 2017-06-26-rpi3-stretch.img.zip
Report issues to https://github.com/sugarlabs/rpi23-gen-image
Initial screen F3 key
For the 26th June image, select "sugar" in top right bar at login.
f26 soas rpi3 image
Please also consider this fedora f26 rpi3 image: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/26_RC-1.3/Spins/armhfp/images/Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-26-1.3-sda.raw.xz
- It has many more working applications
f3 Initial screen Home
f1 Network Neighborhood
- "Network" in Control Panel- (jabber.sugarlabs.org) added
This was reproduced on Debian stretch platform which was set up in an schroot shell on Ubuntu.
Setup Schroot
Set up a schroot environment like this:
- Install the schroot and debootstrap packages,
sudo apt install schroot debootstrap
- Create the stretch filesystem,
sudo mkdir -p /srv/chroot/stretch sudo debootstrap stretch /srv/chroot/stretch
- Make a file /etc/schroot/chroot.d/stretch,
[stretch] type=directory personality=linux directory=/srv/chroot/stretch
- Log into your schroot shell from the terminal,
sudo schroot -c stretch
See https://wiki.debian.org/Schroot for alternate methods.
Setup Builder
Setup the builder within the schroot shell like this;
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/sugarlabs/rpi23-gen-image
- Install dependencies by going through the README.md file and executing the commands described,
Run Builder
- Change your directory to the cloned repo and run this command to start the building process:
sh rpi23-gen-image.sh
This takes some time as the scripts start downloading and configuring packages to build an image.
- Once the process is complete in the terminal, navigate to this directory:
to find the image that was built.
Some changes have been made to the original repo: https://github.com/drtyhlpr/rpi23-gen-image which can be viewed in the commit history.