GCI'18 Design Tasks
These stickers have been selected and were designed by following students(stickers attached with the names of the students) during Google Code-In 2018. see more:http://people.sugarlabs.org/peaceojemeh/GCI18/GCIStickers/
These stickers have been selected and were designed by following students(stickers attached with the names of the students) during Google Code-In 2018. see more:http://people.sugarlabs.org/peaceojemeh/GCI18/GCIorgtees/
T-shirts of all orgs
These t-shirts have been selected and were designed by following students(t-shirt attached with the names of the students) during Google Code-In 2018. see more: http://people.sugarlabs.org/peaceojemeh/GCI18/GCIorgtees/
Promotional flyers for music blocks
These promotional flyers have been selected and were designed by following students(flyers attached with the names of the students) during Google Code-In 2018. see more:http://people.sugarlabs.org/peaceojemeh/GCI18/GCIFlyers/