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Wiki Team/Meetings
Please add to the agenda below and please join in with your ideas.
Hint: You can use an online time calculator to convert from UTC to your local time zone or back.
Upcoming Agenda for Monday 13 April 2009 17:00 UTC (13:00 EDT, 10:00 PDT)
Enter topics here, details, if you wish, under Wiki Team/Roadmap#Proposals, or under another appropriate section header.
See Wiki Team/Roadmap for the current list of proposals for the agenda.
Past Meetings
06 April 2009
- Meeting bot summary: http://meeting.laptop.org/sugar-meeting.20090406_1300.html
- Meeting bot log: http://meeting.laptop.org/sugar-meeting.log.20090406_1300.html
- Wiki translation architecture proposal
- Sugar Labs:Copyrights page entered
- http://wiki-devel.sugarlabs.org installed so we can test new features without risking the production wiki
30 March 2009
- Meeting bot summary: http://meeting.laptop.org/sugar-meeting.20090330_1301.html
- Meeting bot log: http://meeting.laptop.org/sugar-meeting.log.20090330_1301.html
- Introductions of attendees or interested parties
- "Reading" of agenda requests and proposals
- Call for new agenda requests or proposals to add to agenda
- Ordering of agenda
- Discussion of items
- Proposed actions, agents, and schedule
14 November 2008
- Meetbot Minutes: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting.20081111_1007.html
- Meetbot Logs: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting.log.20081111_1007.html
The biggest issue was lack of ownership and maintenance of the teams wiki space. We decided that every activate team should have a clear owner. We will mothball inactive teams until we can find a team leader to take responsiblity.
- AccessibiltyTeam -> mothball
- BuildTeam -> roll into Development
- DeploymentTeam -> dirakx
- DesignTeam -> Eben
- DevelopmentTeam -> Marco
- DocumentationTeam -> david
- EducationTeam -> Walter
- InfrastructureTeam -> Bernie
- LocalizationTeam -> mothball
- MarketingTeam -> Gregdek
- Oversight_Board -> Walter
- DevelopmentTeam/Release -> mothball
- WikiTeam/Translation -> mothball
- BugSquad -> Simon with help
- WikiTeam -> david
(Does anyone else see the irony of the dyslexic guy owning both documentation and wiki?)
Each team will create a mission statement and set a regular meeting time.
There was discussion about the missions and roles of the EducationTeam and the DeploymentTeam. The general consensus was the EducationTeam will focus on 'Why' use Sugar. The Deployment team will focus on 'How' to use Sugar.