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Sugar on a Stick/Getting Involved/Testing
Testing SoaS
The focus now is on SoaS-beta (based on the coming Fedora 11).
Tests: See Smoke test, and others to come from the BugSquad testing team.
User test reports:
Find your build version in the list of subpages below, or [create a new subpage for an unlisted version]. On the address line of your browser, enter the relevant MMDD of the version file (taken from the file date at the download page), press <Enter>, then a header for your setup and some observations. (The full address line will be http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/index.php?title=Index.php&title=Sugar_on_a_Stick/Getting_Involved/Testing/Soas-beta_2009MMDD&action=edit) For more help on this process, see this help page section.