Revision as of 12:39, 3 October 2010 by Neophyte-rep (talk | contribs) (: Added questions from
From The FourthGradeMath Archives
I'm reading the 4th Grade Math archives and collecting the questions there. I'll leave it up to more deeply involved project members to decide whether to add these questions to the FAQ page and how to add them.
Neophyte-rep 13:39, 3 October 2010 (EDT)
Other Universities?
From RIT and the Fedora Developers XO Program posted by Steve Buck on Mon Mar 2 11:11:52 EST 2009:
"Is this something that we may want to get going at other uni's?
- "I'd love to see professors picking up on this." from RIT and the Fedora Developers XO Program posted by Greg Dekoenigsberg on Mon Mar 2 11:18:09 EST 2009:
<Your Question Here>
- <An answer here>