
From Sugar Labs
Revision as of 17:20, 22 February 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎usb-creator-gtk to make Persistent USB: how to make an installer 8GB USB to make 2GB live USB's)
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Trisquel logo.png

Trisquel GNU/Linux is a fully free operating system endorsed by the FSF. It has an educational edition, based on Ubuntu LTS, and also a stand alone Live/Installable image for CD and USB drives, based on the latest Ubuntu version. More info: and Trisquel On A Sugar Toast.


  • New Features for 21 Feb 2011 Version
starts at Name____ screen instead of Color______selection
So not all booted Live CD's will be named the same.

Boots on MacBook Air

Will save settings if Persistent USB plugged in when booted from CD
Insert USB in Mac
Persistent USB can be made with Ubuntu-gnome "USB Startup Disk Creator:(usb-creator) or see section below to create one from a booted CD
Boot from CD (hold down "C" key until isolinux screen appears-10sec or more) select Safe Graphics Mode
To free up a USB port go to frame and disconnect the CD. Unplug the DVD/CD, then the network dongle can be inserted in the freed up USB port.
(The MacBook Air only has 2 USB ports)
  • If you log out or change items in Control Panel that require a restart: user=trisquel Password= ( ) no entry

usb-creator-gtk to make Persistent USB

To make a 2GB or larger Live USB with persistence
usb-creator-gtk in terminal
  1. Trisquel-4.1-sugar.iso burned to CD
  2. 8 GB USB USB formatted as fat 16
Install to USB from CD
  1. Install from CD boot screen
  2. select 8 GB USB as HD
  3. install
  4. boot USB
Use usb-creator-gtk on 8GB USB to write a live USB
  1. Download firefox-6.xo from ASLO
  2. or drag drop from USB
  3. start firefox
  4. Preferences Download "ASK"
  5. go to
  6. Download trisquel-sugar_4.1_i686.iso
  7. save to /home/sugar/
  8. exit firefox
  9. Terminal: usb-creator-gtk
  10. other: select trisquel-sugar_4.1_i686.iso
  11. insert target USB (2GB or larger)
  12. select target USB and set persistence
  13. Create USB



A live CD with Sugar-desktop only

Live image trisquel-sugar_3.0

You can download the (430MB) iso image from here:


To create a live USB disk with user data persistence, you can burn the image in a CD and use it to start a live session. Then plug the USB unit, open the terminal, and run "usb-creator".(usb-creator-gtk) A launcher application is coming.

The usb-creator helper is also included in the Trisquel 3 (and Ubuntu) desktop applications. If you use a different GNU/Linux distribution or Windows, you can use FUSBi instead.

Installing Sugar on Trisquel 2.2 LTS

To install the Sugar desktop you will need to add the repository to your apt configuration running this

echo "deb sugar-robur main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update

Now you can install the sugar-platform package using the synaptic package manager or by running

sudo aptitude install sugar-platform

You can now log out of your session and login into Sugar. If your computer is a LTSP server, it would be serving Sugar already.

Configure a Trisquel edu LTSP server

You can follow the instructions in the Trisquel wiki.

Installing Sugar on Trisquel 3.0

You can install Sugar with the above method, but using this repository line instead:

echo "deb sugar-dwyn main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update

Installing Sugar on Trisquel 4.0.1 and Trisquel_4.5

How To: Trisquel_4.0.1_Gnome_Desktop_with_sweets_sugar_0.90.1


Create Live USB from trisquel_4.0.1_i686.iso

In Ubuntu open System/Administration/USB Startup Disk Creator
Password (root)
<OTHER> File System/home/(user)/Desktop/trisquel_4.0.1_i686.iso
Insert 4GB USB
Stored in extra reserved space (move slider for persistence)
Make Start Up Disk
Safely remove USB
Boot Computer with Live CD
1-) Try Trisquel without any changes to your computer
Sugar-desktop 0.90.1 can be added; and run; from persistent USB
2-) Install Trisquel


Post bugs to official Trisquel bug tracker.

  • Screensaver will not turn off in Trisquel 4.5 install
In terminal
sudo su
xset -dpms
xset s off

References & Links

Current trisquel 3.0 sugar only trisquel 4.0
Development Betas 13-Feb-2011 13-Feb-2011
Sugar 0.88 sweets
Install Videos (Video of install from Windows)
