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A short bio:
Name | Aleksey Lim |
Birth | 1977 |
Residence | Russia |
Education | University college, USSR, 1994-1999, software developer |
Career | 1999-2008, C/C++ developer for various commercial companies |
2008-2010, the first experience of being a FOSS contributor, full time Sugar Labs contributor and volunteer | |
2010-now, Activity Central |
- Nick alsroot
- Email me to my nick in sugarlabs.org domain
- Timezone UTC
Foreground tasks
- Sugar Server Kit development
- Sweets, Sugar Packaging Management System development
Background tasks
- Maintain Sugar Labs servers:
- Maintain Sugar Labs services:
- Develop projects:
- Develop activities:
- Maintain activities:
- Maintain activities for upstream projects:
In perspective
- Sugarize OOo4Kids
- journal integration
- OOo4Kids builds
- Life in sugar! - support full time being online in sugar
- Sugar Daemons, all time beeing online servers that provide useful shared instances for broad collaboration e.g. Chat instances per purposes ("Ask your nub question", "How to hack sugar" etc.)
- Library instance via Sugar Daemon to provide server sharing model
- Сheck notification system in shell if it works well in "all time being in sugar" workflow
- Сreate Collab activity
- Collab instance via Sugar Daemon to have global collaboration portal for all sugar contributors/requesters.
- standalone mode for activities thus more close merge sugar with other education software e.g. ASLO could be not just portal of sugar activities but portal of education software(non-sugar users could run particular activity w/o need to install sugar)