Talk:Platform Team/Guide/Sugar via Sweets

Installing sweets-sugar from Fedora 16 GNOME 3 Terminal

12/03/2011 satellit
  • Log of what I found
With much help from alsroot


  • Zero Install (thus, Sweets') workflow requires having Internet connection
Once the system is built; it is cached locally so it will start without rebuilding
Default is sugar 0.88.1
from alsroot:
If you run several different Sugar versions via sweets, you will use the same profile; so, it might be a problem, e.g., the Journal version in Sugar 0.84 is different from Sugar 0.94; but for Sugar 0.88-0.94, it should be mostly ok.

sugar 0.88

Default is sugar 0.88.1
  • GNOME Terminal
sudo yum install gnome-packagekit
  • Restart (to reset dbus)
  • Install GPG Key (as PK does not install it.)
yum install pygobject2-devel
packages will be installed... 1 + 3 dependencies  asks for gpg key and I said Y
Importing GPG key 0xA82BA4B7
  • Install and build
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator
$ sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator                   
-- Solve dextrose/sugar-base for building
-- Solve dextrose/sugar-toolkit for building
-- Solve dextrose/sugar-presence-service for building
-- Solve dextrose/sugar-datastore for building        
-- Solve dextrose/sugar-artwork for building   
-- Solve sdk/etoys for building              
-- Solve sdk/pyxpcom for building  
-- Solve sdk/hulahop for building  
-- Solve sdk/python-xklavier for building
-- Solve dextrose/sugar for building      
 -- Install pygobject2-devel libX11-devel libxkbfile-devel libXv-devel libXinerama-devel gtk2-devel libXt-devel libXres-devel 
xorg-x11-apps python-lxml squeak-vm libfontenc-devel libXmu-devel gcc intltool xapian-bindings-python python-cjson libxklavier-devel 
libXrender-devel python-devel libXext-devel libFS libXxf86dga-devel subversion libXtst-devel pygame libXScrnSaver-devel libXxf86vm-devel 
pygtksourceview cairo-devel libXfont-devel gcc-c++ libXScrnSaver alsa-lib-devel pyabiword pygtk2-devel libSM-devel libXau-devel libFS-devel
gnome-common libXvMC-devel libXp libtool libXdamage-devel libXrandr-devel python-dateutil xorg-x11-xtrans-devel python-elements libXi-devel libXft-devel
gnome-python2-rsvg csound-python libXpm-devel libXdmcp-devel icon-naming-utils icon-slicer libdmx-devel xorg-x11-proto-devel 
GConf2-devel libXcomposite-devel hippo-canvas-python libXcursor-devel libXfixes-devel libICE-devel libXp-devel libdrm-devel
  • Sugar starts in Xephyr
at color screen
need to <== to rename it then ==> twice
no activities on f3 
about my computer says Fedora release 16 (Verne) 0.88.1
  • Exit
  • Terminal
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator -f
  • Hover over XO icon click on My Settings in drop down
select "frame"
  • Move bottom slider "edge" fully Left
  • Terminal
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator -f
  • Click on sugar journal icon in f3 screen
  • Drag drop surf-115.xo from 2nd USB
Download to a USB and insert the USB in running sweets-sugar
  • click on surf in f3
  • Activities (upper right screen)
Load the activities you want from ASLO (or from the 2nd USB by drag drop) irc;chat;...etc

Have fun

sugar 0.94.1 (Unstable)

  • Terminal:
sweets dextrose/sugar:emulator = 0.94
Software update in 0.94 offers 39 updates (installs new activities)
this seems a nice workaround for lack of activities in sweets-sugar

Activities that do not start

Turtle art 105
Read 87
Browse 116
Colors 15
Ruler 7
Maze 9 (Hangs)
Poll 27
Get Books 5
Tetris Mat 1
surf-115.xo does not start here : (
Firefox-6.xo does start
Download to 2nd USB:
Browses web well; Firefox is not fully sugarized so it does not save to sugar-journal.

Notes on how to start 0.88 or 0.94

  • commands to start sweets-sugar in terminal:
Full Screen
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator -f
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator = 0.94 -f
  • after installing the activities in software update in 0.94 they remain in sugar 0.88 and work.
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