Deployment Platform/Sneakernet


This page is intended to describe the process of offline synchronization between Sugar Network servers. The synchronization process means making data changes, happened on servers, common for all of them.


What kind of objects involved to the process:

  • Master server
    Main Sugar Network server accessible via the Internet.
  • Node servers
    Local Sugar Network servers that are intended to be distributed versions of the Master. This tutorial assumes that Nodes don't have direct connection to the Master, and the only one way to synchronize data is a Sneakernet.
  • Database media
    Node servers might store database on removable devices (makes sense if Nodes are XO laptops), in that case, such devices should have a magic file, named .sugar-network, in the root directory on removable device. Having this magic file will let Node's software auto detect recently plugged removable device as a Database media to start behaving correspondingly.
  • Synchronization media
    Removable media device, e.g., USB stick or SD card that will be used to transfer Packets between servers. Synchronization media should have a magic file, named .sugar-network-sync, in the root directory. Having this file will let Node's software start synchronization process automatically after plugging media.
  • Synchronization Packets
    Regular files that contain synchronization data placed to Synchronization media. If synchronization happens using regular tools, Packet files will be named as <server's-guid>-<server's-seqno>.packet. These files are tarballs.


A list of scenarios to follow in the field.

Clone Master

Synchronize Node