Features/Semantic Web/Testing

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It is possible to test SemanticXO on both an XO-1 or a desktop PC. However, it is recommended to use an XO-1 are the installation is easier on these and they are used as a primary target for all the development.

On an XO-1 running the software 12.1.0

  • Put the files "setup.sh" and "semanticxo.tar.gz" somewhere on the XO
  • Login as root, set setup.sh to be executable and type "./setup.sh setup". This will install the API of SemanticXO, the triple store and two demo activities
  • Reboot

On a desktop PC

This is a step by step intruction guide to test the triple store based Journal backend. It assumes that all the packages for sugar are available and the sugar-emulator is running.

  • Download and install RedStore

Follow the instructions on http://www.aelius.com/njh/redstore/ to download and install RedStore on the test machine. It should also be possible to use other triple stores such as Virtuoso or OWLIM as long as a SPARQL 1.1 compliant service is accessible on the port 8080.

  • Download and install the code from SemanticXO

Clone the repository:

 git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/semanticxo/main.git semanticxo

Edit line 4 and 5 of datastore/bin/datastore-service to make it fit the location of the directory where you clone the code (by default ~/Code/SemanticXO) Locate the datastore-service startup script from the normal datastore

 type datastore-service

Replace that daemon with datastore/bin/datastore-service

  • Start redstore in debug mode, so that you will see the queries being executed ;-)
 redstore -v
  • Start the sugar emulator
  • Play around with Sugar, creating and updating entries in the Journal
  • With an explorer, within the emulator or outside, go to http://localhost:8080/ to see the content of the triple store. There should be one named graph per Journal entry