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Tutorials/Installation/Import a VirtualBox appliance
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This tutorial will show how to import an appliance into VirtualBox.
- Here are some prebuilt VirtualBox appliances that you can download and import.
- This is a simple way to run various versions of Sugar on your PC or Mac.
- Note: VirtualBox is OS agnostic and runs the same appliance in Windows, GNU/Linux, and Mac operating systems. It must be installed on your system first.
- The appliance used in this example can be downloaded from here: Sugar on a Stick v6 Pineapple Appliance
- Download the 2 files from the link above and click on the .ovf file. It will be imported into your VirtualBox installation.
- Or
- Select Import Appliance... from the File menu drop-down palette at the top of the VirtualBox console.
- Import Appliance...
- Select the .ovf file
- Adjust Import Settings
- You can edit these items.
- Click (Import).
- Agree to the GPL license.
- If this was specified on setup of Export of this appliance
- Importing
- Now the imported appliance is loaded in VirtualBox.
- Click on Settings
- Add USB
- Settings..USB
- Note: You have to have the VirtualBox Extension pack installed for USB2 to work.
- Adjust System settings
- Settings..System
- Click the (OK) button.
- Click on ==> green arrow start
- VirtualBox boots Sugar
- VirtualBox completes the boot and goes to
- Fedora FirstBoot (registration and user/password selection).
- Then goes to this screen,
- gdm Login of User (in this case sugar)
- Congratulations, you are now running Sugar on a Stick v6 Pineapple