
From Sugar Labs
Revision as of 01:45, 14 October 2008 by RafaelOrtiz (talk | contribs) (notes)
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I've been a volunteer for OLPC project for about two years now, I've worked in different aspects of OLPC and Sugar, going from localization, documentation, wireless networks, peripherals, testing, QA, and development porting Sugar software to Debian.

Actually I'm working in deployments for my country Colombia

My interest it's that sugar could be adopted in other hardware platforms besides OLPC and that sugar labs don't loses focus on pedagogical bases and also feedback from deployments, the educational side of the project has to be the fundamental to all other processes, and that work must be done in union with countries.

Although OLPC/Sugar hardware-software combination is optimal, we can be more diverse about it trying to get to other hardware platforms (in order to reach more children), but the important part is that sugar must remain an educational software.




Semana 12 de octubre.(Acontecimientos de deployment)

Intereses mostrados por los maestros en herramientas como Jclic Interactividad en los colegios (como ver videos en los colegios) Interesantes entradas en blogs, esto como guia para comunicacion entre la comunidad (communities communication). Preguntas acerca de como escuchar radio en la XO.