Sugar Labs/Getting Involved

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We need your help in improving how computers are used in education. You can take an active hand in making Sugar realize its vision. Making Sugar depends on volunteers who love to engage in authentic activities—activities that help fulfill the potentials they individually see in Sugar's vision. What do you want to see happen? What roles could you fill? Click the role of your choice in the grid below, and then, after selecting a Team or project link, follow the Join links at the top of the Team or project page (in the green or yellow linkbar) to learn how you can Join In. We depend on you getting involved! Apply for membership here.

Learn more

Help us understand and improve the ability for people to contribute and become deeply involved with Sugar.

See Planet Sugar Labs, our blog aggregator

The Sugar community is made of individuals, teams, and relationships.

We all share one thing in common: We want to improve how computers are used in education.

Join us in discussing the project on the It's an Education Project mailing list. Open a wiki account here and edit this site.


Join Educator BW.png

Description of this role: Focus on Sugar's learners educational needs.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • Explaining complex ideas well, people skills, teaching through digital media, understanding of educational theories and obstacles, paedagogy, ability to communicate with and influence developers.

Teams/projects associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Tasks typical in this role: Lesson plans, teacher guides, text book templates/samples, articles, leverage Sugar as an ideal platform for learning, provide guidance and feedback to those working on technical aspects of Sugar, setting educational goals, educational activities.

Real person to help you get started:

  • If you are an educator who would like to help with Sugar, please subscribe and contact iaep at sugarlabs dot org. iaep it's an acronym of "It's an Education Project" and it is the main emails list supported by Sugar labs Systems team. IAEP helps Educators, learners, designers and programmers interact while learning the how to's to develop and sharing of their projects.

Content Writer

Join ContentDeveloper BW.png

Description of this role: Communicate through words.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • Writing, editing, grammar, wordsmithing, proof-reading, explaining complex ideas well, teaching, wiki markup, technical knowledge (specific and general).

Teams associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Write, edit, illustrate, or program an Open Education Resource on any subject for any age in the Sugar Labs Replace Textbooks project.
  • Write a FLOSS Manual for your favorite activity, guides, how-tos, FAQs, knowledge base, lesson plans, teacher guides, text book templates/samples, articles, marketing material, process/methodology documents, editing, release notes.

Real person to help you get started:

  • If you are a content writer please subscribe and contact iaep at sugarlabs dot org. iaep it's an acronym of "It's an Education Project" and it is the main emails list supported by Sugar labs Systems team. IAEP helps Educators, learners, designers and programmers interact while learning the how to's to develop and sharing of their projects.

People Person

Join PeoplePerson BW.png

Description of this role: Communicate through one-on-one contact.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • People skills, public relations, event organization, customer service/support, enthusiasm.

Teams/projects associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Conferences, press releases, local events, organizing events, community management, Sugar Labs forum/IRC help/support tech, send out media/spread Sugar, encourage others to participate, cat herding.

Real person to help you get started:

  • If you are a people person who would like to help with Sugar Labs Project Management, please contact slobs at sugarlabs dot org.


Join Developer BW.png

Description of this role: Communicate through code.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • Python, C, GTK+, git, packaging, bug filing, tracking and testing, JavaScript, web app development, GNU/Linux system administration

Teams/projects associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Get the source code, test & break Sugar, design & build Sugar, file bugs, fix bugs, build packages, develop new features, test, design, develop & help maintain activities, toolchain, scripts.

Real people to help you get started:


Join Designer BW.png

Description of this role: Communicate through images.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • Inkscape, GIMP, other vector & raster graphics tools, OpenOffice, design, usability/interaction.

Teams/projects associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Sugar art work (SVG activity icons, toolbar icons), Activity image content, user interface design, publication design, web design, icons, design mock-ups, conference banners/flyers, logos, materials (t-shirts, CD covers, etc.)

Real person to help you get started:

  • If you are a designer who would like to help with Sugar, please subscribe and contact iaep at sugarlabs dot org. iaep it's an acronym of "It's an Education Project" and it is the main emails list supported by Sugar labs Systems team. IAEP helps Educators, learners, designers and programmers interact while learning the how to's to develop and sharing of their projects.


Join Translator BW.png

Description of this role: Communicate through interpretation.

Skills you possess or want to learn:

  • English, Non-English native language, technical knowledge, Pootle, PO, translation.

Teams/projects associated with this role:

Tasks typical in this role:

  • Activity and Sugar user interface string translation, localization (l10n), internationalization (i18n), marketing materials, documents, OERs, websites, providing cultural specific feedback to other teams.
  • Real person to help you get started: If you are a translator who would like to help with translating Sugar, please contact translate at sugarlabs dot org.