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Created page with "== SLOB Meeting -- February 17, 2021 == Attending: Walter, Claudia, Lionel, Perrie, MrBios From the community: Sum2it, srevinsaju == Topics == === Finances === No transac..."
== SLOB Meeting -- February 17, 2021 ==

Attending: Walter, Claudia, Lionel, Perrie, MrBios

From the community: Sum2it, srevinsaju

== Topics ==

=== Finances ===

No transactions as of yet in 2021

=== Ombudsman ===

Nothing to report, although Walter will write some text to make it more obvious in our Code of Conduct that we have an ombudsman.

=== SFC ===

Claudia reported no new correspondence

=== GSoC ===

Perrie submitted the application to great acclaim

=== GSoD ===

We discussed using Summer of Documentation to prepare materials in support of teachers.

Perrie and Samson will lay the groundwork for our application

=== Workshops ===

Walter will be giving a workshop to teachers in Brazil on the 19th which could serve as a model for future Sugar Labs workshops.

=== Web Site ===

We discussed the need for some updates, including more focus on Flatpack, Sugarizer, etc. And a section on more academic papers in support of our activities. Perrie has a design proposal.

=== Matrix ===

There was consensus that Matrix worked well and we will try it again at the next meeting.

=== Next Meeting ===

3 March 2021

We have invited the new president of OLPC, Mariana Ludmila Cortés to join us in a discussion.

=== Log ===
walterbender: hello every...<br/>any SLOB members here?<br/>hmm. holding a meeting in Matrix seems to be a fail :P

llaske_ ( joined the room.
llaske_ ( Is there a channel for the SLOB meeting?

walterbender: here<br/>but no one seems to have come to the meeting<br/>(except you)<br/>I even remembered to send a reminder

llaske_ ( I've got a message telling that I've not right to do audio in the channel<br/>Yes I've seen your reminder

callaurrea: Hi everyone

walterbender: Hi callaurrea<br/>glad you made it

llaske_ ( Hi

callaurrea: Thanks for the reminder

walterbender: I suppose we could try using the video call mechanism, but lets see if anyone else shows up.<br/>Meanwhile, I can report on a few things that don't need much discussion/debate.

Finances: no transactions yet in 2021.

mrbios: hi folks.

walterbender: We have a quorum. Great.

mrbios: I have conflicting meetings but am in both :)

walterbender: Sorry. Maybe at the end we can discuss finding a better time for everyone?

callaurrea: good idea, walterbender

walterbender: Anyway, re Finances, a concern was raised about our spending $$ on lawyers. This is all related to the hopefully one-time process of setting up the non-profit org in the US.<br/>It is the only time in our project's history that we have had legal expenses.<br/>I don't know if it could have been done otherwise.<br/>But it is not something we should see repeated.

llaske_ ( Make sense and this work is documented from month.

walterbender: all in all, we have spent about US $500 per year on average for legal over the lifetime of the org... pretty reasonable

llaske_ ( I don't think there is a real concern

walterbender: certainly nothing "corrupt" about it<br/>any other finance questions/concerns?

llaske_ ( Nope. I was very surprised by the Martin message.

walterbender: (The sum total of expenses for which I cannot find receipts is $20.)

callaurrea: I don't think we could have done the work well without the expenses

walterbender: Again, not seemingly a major concern.<br/>Re the ombudsman, nothing to report, although I wish, if Martin had concerns, he would have approached Pattie before sending his very public admonishment.<br/>Maybe we need to better publicize the fact that we have an ombudsperson?

llaske_ ( May be we could answer Martin publicly about this

walterbender: I will try to come up with some language to include in our code of conduct document.

perrieee joined the room.

walterbender: Alex has been speaking with him (and both Alex and I wrote to him off list).

perrieee: Hi everyone

walterbender: hi perrieee

perrieee: sorry I am late

llaske_ ( Hi Perrie

walterbender: perrieee: can you see the backlog?

perrieee: yes I can

walterbender: callaurrea: anything to report from SFC?

llaske_ ( BTW another subject for our agenda: GSoC. Our application has been completed by Perrie (thanks). It's on the way. Result is expected March 9th

walterbender: Yes... I was going to say a public thank you to Perrie, Lionel and Jui

callaurrea: Nothing. Other than my communication with them about the W-9 form, which happened in January<br/>No communication<br/>Thanks you, Perrie Lionel and Jui<br/>can you share the info? it would be good to include important highlights from the application into the minutes

walterbender: Perrie, maybe you could include the text of the application somewhere is the GSoC repo? So we don't have to hunt down all those numbers again next year.<br/>maybe as a wiki page?

perrieee: sure .. I can put that together and share tomorrow

walterbender: thx<br/>

perrieee: but this is what our profile correctly looks like

walterbender: Meanwhile, we can continue to add project ideas...<br/>Does anyone know much about the Google Summer of Doc program?<br/>Deadlines, etc?

sum2it joined the room.

walterbender: We've been discussing it in a thread somewhere

perrieee: for ideas, I want to bring up the project for a redesign of our website again:<br/>now the time frame has been shortened

walterbender: I think we should apply and focus on materials to support teachers to take advantage of our tools.<br/>callaurrea: you'd be a great mentor for that theme

callaurrea: Love to

llaske_ ( Clearly teachers material will be great. It's often asked for Sugarizer on the field

llaske_ ( But I don't know if it could be a proposal for GSoD. Which people could really write this sort of doc ?

walterbender: perrieee: (I will share the log and minutes)<br/>llaske_: if we find someone who can write well, we can help shape the content

callaurrea: Speaking about OLCP. Mariana may have ideas for other topics? should we reach out to her to establish connections?

walterbender: callaurrea: yes... I have been chatting with her on FB<br/>A friend of ours just became the new president of OLPC

llaske_ ( Oh really ? who is it?

walterbender: Mariana<br/>She is interested in deepening the ties to Sugar Labs

llaske_ ( Cool

callaurrea: we can invite her to present at one of our meetings... vision, where they are, etc.?

walterbender: Mariana Ludmila Cortés -- I am not sure of her OLPC email<br/>callaurrea: great idea<br/>I will see if she can join us in two weeks.

sum2it: Hi all, just joined and read the backlog.

walterbender: I just asked her if she can join us for a discussion in 2 weeks :P<br/>hi sum2it<br/>any other discussion topics?<br/>I gave a talk to a bunch of teachers in Brazil last week and am following up with a workshop this Friday.

callaurrea: missed that

walterbender: Arranged through USP<br/>any other discussion topics?

perrieee: yes ... what is the plan for the website refresh?

callaurrea: can we add the link to your sat workshop to the minutes?

walterbender: callaurrea: yes... I will add it

perrieee: I was personally thinking this GSoc will be a good time

callaurrea: we said we will begin with some of those activities... for our packages

walterbender: perrieee: I think it is a reasonable scope for a scaled back GSoC but we do need to have a concrete proposal as to how the new website is tangibly better -- both in terms of the visitor experience and maintenance overhead

perrieee: There is already a design drafted set ... I can share that again

llaske_ ( I think we should do a light update of our website just to mention that SugarLabs is now Sugar, MusicBlocks and Sugarizer. But it could be done outside of GSoC in my opinion

walterbender: callaurrea: hopefully my Friday workshop can be a rehearsal for the (bi-?) monthly Sugar Labs workshops

srevinsaju ( (I am not a part of SLOBS), but our website update mechanism has been broken since 2020 January

llaske_ ( srevinsaju: sounds like a priority to fix it first


srevinsaju ( some changes like the Flathub by tchx84 and others are missing,

callaurrea: Is it Fridays?

perrieee: this is a draft, texts will change ... but yeah

walterbender: my USP workshop happens to be Friday... that is all<br/>the Sugar Labs ones can be whenever you think best<br/>perrieee: I will take a look... it sounds like no matter what we need to make some updates so it is good that you have put thought into it<br/>* walterbender would like a section on background reading too<br/>* walterbender is writing a book chapter right now on Music Blocks he could share

perrieee: do you mean something like a story behind SL

walterbender: callaurrea:<br/>Password: 422968 (at 2:30 US East Coast -- 19:30 UTC)

sum2it: Will it be a part of a larger book?

walterbender: perrieee: I mean simply a list of papers about Sugar, Sugarizer, Music Blocks, etc. for someone interested in some of the pedagogy

callaurrea: Sat at 2:30 pm?

perrieee: oh oh coool yeah sure

walterbender: sum2it: a friend is putting together a collection of essays in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Seymour and Cynthia's 20 things to do with a computer paper.<br/>I am writing about thing #11 -- music<br/>callaurrea: Friday :smile:<br/>* walterbender does not know how to use meojis<br/>or type emoji

sum2it: walterbender Happy to help with drafts and/or editing, anytime.



callaurrea: we have one paper

walterbender: callaurrea: we have the Turtle Blocks one you, Cynthia and I wrote :P

callaurrea: yes!!

walterbender: sum2it: if you wanna read/comment on my draft, you are more than welcome.

sum2it: Will do.


sum2it: Thanks.

walterbender: Any other business?<br/>I want to be respectful of the time

llaske_ ( That's all on my side

walterbender: Did someone volunteer to follow up on Google Summer of Documentation?

perrieee: I can do a follow up

walterbender: thx

perrieee: Samson and I :)

walterbender: What did everyone think of using Matrix?

callaurrea: I am ok with it

llaske_ ( It's like an IRC++

perrieee: I like the experience ...

sum2it: This is good

walterbender: I feel like it is a bit more inclusive than our video calls (and easier for the person writing up the minutes -- he says selfishly)<br/>So, lets use it again next time? I will let you know if Mariana can join us.

callaurrea: agree

llaske_ ( okay

perrieee: agree

sum2it: +1

walterbender: OK. Until next time, feel free to ping me here<br/>thanks everyone

sum2it: Bye

llaske_ ( Thanks all. Bye

sum2it: Thanks all

perrieee: bye, thanks all

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