# Get Titanium running on the XO and measure its system footprint. Compare it with regular Firefox
# Get a "Hello World" Titanium app running on the XO and measure its system footprint. Compare it with regular Firefox
# Select an existing [http://www.pustakalaya.org/external-content/static/epaath/E-Paath-2.activity/activity/Activity/MenuStage.html E-Paath] flash activity to reengineer with javascript and html5.
#* The activity should have interactive animation and sound using javascript and html5
#* Layout the strings in the activity so that they are compatible with pootle
#* Determine possible ways to add collaboration.
# Recreate the learning activity with javascript and html5
# Get the activity to run successfully on Titanium and on firefox. Let's ignore Internet Explorer because it does not support html5
# Integrate the activity with the Journal
# Extend the activity so that it has some collaboration features
# Document the resulting code and issues encountered so that others can build on this project.