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Buddy tag mock-ups for Tomeu
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=== Buddy Tags Mock-up ===

==== Edit Your Tags in "About Me" Panel ====

[[Image:buddy_tagging_gary_mockup_self_tags.png|thumb|centre|640px|You add self tags to your profile via a new input area in the "About Me" control panel.]]

==== Other Buddies See Your Tags ====

[[Image:buddy_tagging_gary_mockup_buddy_palette.png|thumb|centre|640px|From the Neighborhood zoom view, other users can hover over your buddy icon to reveal a palette displaying a list of your tags.]]

==== Other Buddies Can Search Neighborhood to Filter ====

[[Image:buddy_tagging_gary_mockup_search_for_tag.png|thumb|centre|640px|From the Neighborhood zoom view, other users can enter search queries to filter down to specific buddy tags.]]




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