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More information and details regarding this feature will become available when it is in production later on this year.
More information and details regarding this feature will become available when it is in production later on this year.
= Storyline =
MAFH follows the story of Arith, a determined young researcher dedicated to finding all of the world’s best hidden secrets. One day she stumbled across a piece of blank papyrus during the time she spent studying in Egypt on a dig site. She quickly brought it to her best friend and colleague, Lytic. They were determined to find out more about this strange paper, but the two could not unearth its secrets in such a short time. To them, it was just a blank piece of ancient material.
Two months later, the dig ever deeper into the earth, Arith noticed a faint glow emanating from a random pile of dirt. “What’s that over there?” she asked Lytic, who was standing nearby with his shovel. Digging it out, Lytic noticed that it was a small amulet. It let off the strangest beautiful teal glow. “Strange,” he remarked. Lytic stared deep into the light, his eyes widening as if in a trance. "Just what are you?" he questioned. The glow got even brighter and then went dim again. Now the amulet appeared to be as plain as any other stone. Confused, the two left the site to turn in for the night.
Upon bringing this find to back to their living quarters, Lytic tossed it lightly on the table. It landed near the old blank papyrus that she had found months earlier. The amulet began to glow again. This time, the papyrus wasn't blank. The light seemed to be the key and filled the papyrus with teal characters and symbols. The two stared amazed at the sight. Nothing made sense. It was no language they’d ever come across before. Upon closer inspection, only one thing was certain. The image of a giant pile of treasure, larger than anything you could imagine. The other familiar image was of a human mind with mathematical symbols surrounding it. Apparently, those who desired this treasure must be intelligent and versed in the ways of mathematics. There was one other hint on the old Egyptian paper. It was extremely cold to the touch. The two agreed this meant it must be somewhere on Earth in a very cold place. At last, a massive treasure hunt was underway.
Four days later, Arith and Lytic, found themselves in a strange place face to face with a mysterious and ancient building, relics in hand. “You wait here. I’ll go take a look around,” Arith told Lytic. “Okay. Good luck.”
Arith entered the chilly, dark structure alone; unaware of what lay in wait…
= Game Progression =
Each dungeon will introduce a distinct mathematical concept, and each dungeon will be comprised of several levels of increasing difficulty.
At the beginning of each level the player will face the entrance of the dungeon. In each room if there are no enemies left, the player will have a decision as to where to go next based on what room in the dungeon they are in and how many exit doors they have available.
As the player moves through the dungeon, they will face enemies which they will have to fight by solving math problems. If the player answers enough questions correctly in a battle, they will win the battle. However, if they continue to answer questions wrong, they will be damaged and eventually die. When the player dies, they will be given the option to quit to the main screen or to restart the level.  Once the player answers enough math problems correctly or defeats enough enemies, they will be granted access to the dungeons key, which will let them move on to the next level.
When the player reaches the end of most dungeons, they will encounter a boss that will confront them with numerous timed math problems to ensure mastery of the dungeon's concepts.
A player's game is completed when they find all of the fortune hidden within each dungeon level and defeats the main game boss.
== Main Menu -> New Game ==
=== FMV I – Feels Like Adventure ===
Having found the amulet, Arith and Lytic find the temple and a way in. They both have a bad feeling about entering and are freezing cold.
== Dungeon 1 – Temple Main Hall ==
=== Cutscene I – Crash Course (Dungeons) ===
Our player gets an explanation of dungeon systems.
=== FMV II – Where Do You Put the Batteries? ===
A legendary, ancient calculator is found by our legendary, not-so ancient heroes.
=== Cutscene II – Crash Course (Menu Screen) ===
Our player gets an explanation of the menu screen and its available options.
=== Cutscene III – Crash Course (Room Changing) ===
Our player gets an explanation of changing rooms.
=== Cutscene IV – Crash Course (Inventory) ===
Our player gets an explanation of items and the inventory screen.
=== Cutscene V – Crash Course (Health Points) ===
Our player gets an explanation of how health points work.
=== Cutscene VI – Crash Course (Puzzle Doors) ===
Our player gets an explanation of puzzle doors.
=== Cutscene VII – Crash Course (Orientation) ===
Our player gets an explanation of changing directions (orientation).
=== Cutscene VIII – Crash Course (Equipment) ===
Our player gets an explanation of using equipment.
=== Cutscene IX – Crash Course (Combat) ===
Our player gets an explanation of combating enemies.
=== Cutscene X – Crash Course (Room Keys) ===
Our player gets an explanation of room keys.
=== Cutscene XI – Crash Course (Locked Doors) ===
Our player gets an explanation of locked doors.
=== Cutscene XII – Crash Course (Hidden Secrets) ===
Our player gets an explanation of using the amulet to uncover hidden secrets.
=== FMV III – On the Right Track ===
Arith and Lytic find clues that let them know they are on the right track to the treasure they seek.
=== Cutscene XIII – Crash Course (Dungeon Keys) ===
Our player gets an explanation of dungeon keys.
=== Cutscene XIV – Crash Course (Dungeon Completion) ===
Our player gets an explanation of completing dungeons.
== Dungeon 2 - Transference Center ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 3 - The Gauntlet ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 4 - Nerve Block ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 5 - Chamber of Trials ==
being updated...
= Critical Path =
== Main Menu ==
→ Once the title screen appears, scroll to the 'NEW GAME' option and push the select button to begin your quest.
'''FMV I – Feels Like Adventure'''
== Dungeon 1 - Temple Main Hall ==
The main door closes behind Arith and Lytic as they begin their trek into the temple.
→ As they enter the first room, room 1, an explanation of dungeons interrupts the game to explain how the levels will work.
'''Cutscene I – Crash Course (Dungeons)'''
Afterward, a FMV sequence will begin in which the heroes find the calculator.
FMV II – Where Do You Put the Batteries?
Following the FMV, a cutscene will occur explaining the menu screen.
'''Cutscene II – Crash Course (Menu Screen)'''
Immediately after, an explanation of traveling between rooms occurs.
'''Cutscene III – Crash Course (Room Changing)'''
When the explanations are over, walk into the north room to continue.
→ In room 2, the protagonists trip and fall on a crack in the floor, losing health. Fear not. There is a potion just sitting on the floor, free to take. Upon receiving the item, an explanation of items and their usage will occur.
'''Cutscene IV – Crash Course (Inventory)'''
A freebie potion will be given to you to use and replenish your missing health, followed by an explanation of how health points work.
'''Cutscene V – Crash Course (Health Points)'''
When you try to enter the next room, an explanation of puzzle doors will happen.
'''Cutscene VI – Crash Course (Puzzle Doors)'''
After it is over, you will have to solve the game’s first puzzle in order to progress to the north room.
→ Room 3 is the first room with two exit options as there is a door to the west and east. An explanation of changing directions (your orientation) will occur.
'''Cutscene VII – Crash Course (Orientation)'''
After the explanation ends, you will notice the game’s first weapon item sitting in the room. An explanation of equipping weapons and armor will occur.
'''Cutscene VIII – Crash Course (Equipment)'''
Having your newly acquired weapon equipped, enter the west room first.
→ The first thing you will notice about room 4 is an odd and hostile creature dancing about. You will automatically be engaged in your first combat, along with an explanation of how to. Follow the prompts and defeat the enemy.
'''Cutscene IX – Crash Course (Combat)'''
Continue to the north for the next room.
→ Room 5 houses a silver key. Grab it.
'''Cutscene X – Crash Course (Room Keys)'''
Backtrack to room 3. This time, exit room 3 via the east door.
→ Upon entering room 6, an explanation of locked doors will happen.
'''Cutscene XI – Crash Course (Locked Doors)'''
You will be asked to unlock the north door and solve another puzzle to gain entryway to room 7.
→ In room 7, you will be on the receiving end of another lesson, explaining how to explore and find hidden items with your amulet.
'''Cutscene XII – Crash Course (Hidden Secrets)'''
Continue to the north.
'''FMV III – On the Right Track'''
→ There’s not much going on in room 8 aside from an FMV sequence, but take a deeper look around with your amulet before continuing to the next room to the west.
→ Room 9 may look familiar, but these enemies are just the welcoming party. Defeat them both to progress. Exit via the west room.
→ The final room, number 10, will explain how levels are completed and how to obtain and use level keys.
'''Cutscene XIII – Crash Course (Dungeon Keys)'''
'''Cutscene XIV – Crash Course (Dungeon Completion)'''
After obtaining your first level access key, exit the dungeon via the north door to enter dungeon 2.
== Dungeon 2 - Transference Center ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 3 - The Gauntlet ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 4 - Nerve Block ==
being updated...
== Dungeon 5 - Chamber of Trials ==
being updated...


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