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Ontology of educational knowledge
The knowledge base for Education includes links to a variety of materials that are important for understanding where we are and where we might be going.

* Libraries
* Journals
* Popular press
* Book publishers
* Organizations
* Ministries of Education: Curricula, textbook standards, teacher training
* Teacher training: Schools of Education, On-the-job training, continuing education

==Theories of Knowledge and Understanding==
* Epistemologies: How do we know, or do we?
* Ontologies
* Ethics
* Psychology
* Neurology

==History of Educational Thought and Practice==
* Traditional cultures: rites of passage, formal and informal learning, ...
* Ancient civilizations: Greece, China, India...
* The Catholic Church: Dark Ages, Carolingian schools, teaching orders, the rise of the Universities, the Counter-Reformation
* Other Christian theories: Lutheran, Calvinist, Quaker (Friends), Anabaptist...
* Scientific study: Montessori, Gattegno, Piaget...
* Computers in education

==Studies of Educational Methods==
* Saul Rockman
* Larry Cuban, Oversold and Underused
* Tom Russell, [ No Significant Difference Phenomenon] Wib site and [ book]
* Richard Rorty

==Theories of Education==

* Tradition
* Plato
* Aristotle
* Dogma
* Craft guilds: Apprentices, journeymen, and masters
* Social control
* Liberal education
* Prussia
* Dewey
* Montessori
* Piaget and Vygotsky
* John Holt
* Papert and Kay

==Child Development==

* Physical development
* Languages
* Social development
* Learning disabilities and talents
* Understanding of the world

==Subject matter==
* Agriculture
* Hunting
* Combat and command
* Religion
* Conflict and negotiation
* Business, finance
* Economics
* Math
* Science
* Logic
* Speaking
* Physical sciences
* Biology
* Social sciences
* History
* Geography
* Languages and literature
* Art
* Music

==Educational Technology==
* Reading and writing, print, online
* Lectures (originally dictation)
* Film and video
* Photographs
* Sound recordings
* Computers and software tools: programming languages, content creation, human language support, standards, Free/Open Source Software
* Distance learning


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