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Created page with 'In attendance: SLOB members: walter, tomeu, mchua, bernie, canoeberry, cjb Some community members (including alsroot, dogi) attended the meeting. == Agenda == # ASLO # Tradema…'
In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, tomeu, mchua, bernie, canoeberry, cjb

Some community members (including alsroot, dogi) attended the meeting.

== Agenda ==
# Trademark policy
# Google Summer of Code
# Goals for 2010

=== ASLO ===
Aleksey (alsroot) solicited a policy statement from SLOB regarding the hosting of activity bundles with non-Sugar dependencies on

:Discussion of [ Not fully bundled .xo] ASLO question<br>Request could be shorten to:
:* Making a statement that current ASLO workflow is pretty unreliable, since ASLO is deployment agnostic, trying to bundle binaries to .xo is a fragile practice. At the same time taking one particular decision would either affect basic Sugar workflows (fully bundled .xo) or leave situation fragile.
:* Thus it (could) require non-technical agreement to follow either ''"activities should not rely on non-SP dependencies and we should make it clear that we are not going to deploy Java/Qt/etc activities from ASLO"'' or ''"we will deploy Java/Qt/etc activities from ASLO and lets take the right tech decision (out of SLOBs) but (maybe) accept moratorium like [] to not make situation worse until we take right technical decision."''
:* [ Poll] results

'''Motion:''' (1) Bundles with non-Sugar dependencies be clearly marked in ASLO; (2) We work towards a mechanism for supporting access to non-Sugar dependencies--a specific endorsement of being open; and (3) We do not restrict ASLO while we progress towards #2.

Approved: 4 in favor; 2 abstaining; 1 absent.

'''Action:''' mchua to write up a position statement regarding a policy of marking certain activities as '''supported''' for discussion at our next meeting.

=== Trademark ===
Walter made some edits to [[Talk:Sugar_Labs/Governance/Trademark#Sugar_Trademark_Policy|our draft trademark policy]] that bifurcated Section 2.a into no-written-approval required and written-approval required sections. It was a welcome change for those attending the meeting.

'''Action:''' Walter will discuss this proposed change with seandaly before the next meeting.

=== Google Summer of Code ===
It was just mentioned that Walter and Tim McNamara are working on our application. There was favorable reaction to a proposal to steer project proposals towards alignment with existing Sugar projects with existing open tickets.

=== Goals for 2010 ===
Not discussed due to lack of time.

'''Action:''' Walter to draft 5-year goals to parallel 1-year goals.

== Next meeting ==

Friday, 12 March 2010 16:00 UTC ('''Note:''' As usual, we will again be meeting one hour later than usual.)

== Log ==

[[Oversight_Board/Meeting_Log-2010-03-05|Meeting Log]]

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