There are different paradigms for implementing a genetic algorithm. ''Evolution Strategies'', invited by Ingo Rechenberg, are suitable for evolving real valued parameters to optimizing the result of a fixed formula. ''Genetic Algorithms'', introduced by John Holland are also for optimizing parameters in hard coded functions. Where the parameters are binary coded instead of floating point numbers. Genetic operations in Kandid can be better understand as 'Evolution Strategy''. But this abstract dispute.
There are different paradigms for implementing a genetic algorithm. ''Evolution Strategies'', invited by Ingo Rechenberg, are suitable for evolving real valued parameters to optimizing the result of a fixed formula. ''Genetic Algorithms'', introduced by John Holland are also for optimizing parameters in hard coded functions. Where the parameters are binary coded instead of floating point numbers. Genetic operations in Kandid can be better understand as 'Evolution Strategy'. But this abstract dispute.