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Created page with 'In attendance: SLOB members: walter, tomeu, mchua, seandaley, canoeberry, cjb, bernie Some community members (including sdz) attended the meeting. == Agenda == # Trademark po...'
In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, tomeu, mchua, seandaley, canoeberry, cjb, bernie

Some community members (including sdz) attended the meeting.

== Agenda ==

# Trademark policy

=== Trademark ===

We reached consensus regarding out [[Trademark|Trademark policy]].

'''MOTION:''' Approve current trademark policy text as v1, subject to refinements concerning label program currently in preparation?

6 in favor, 1 abstention

'''Action:''' Walter will check with the SFC re a final vetting of the policy.

== Next meeting ==

Friday, 14 April 2010 23:00 UTC

== Log ==

[[Oversight_Board/Meeting_Log-2010-05-27|Meeting Log]]

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