Idea: Color code activities listed based on criteria fulfilled
Rationale: Gives a visual cue for developers that one or more criteria are not complete or accurate.
Test: Activities are listed in RED until each criteria has been addressed and filled in with an active link.
Instructions: Add activity to list. Test each criteria and set status appropriately. When all criteria are fulfilled, color of activity changes to BLACK.
Idea: Add +/- ranking to criteria in table
Rationale: Add ranking to criteria to encourage better documentation.
Test: Validate if minimum criteria has been met. Subjective assessment follows to determine + or - ranking.
Instructions: By default, a checkmark (and hyperlink) is placed in the table for each criteria met. If the documentation at the link destination is an excellent example, add a + to the checkmark in table. If it's poor or incomplete documentation, add a - to the checkmark.