I love this idea! (I hope it would also include easier SoaS creation on the Mac.) When I lent some of my "Roadshow" library machines to the University of Montana education department to help them prep for a science project, I downloaded a lot of stuff not already there (eg Bridge, Star Chart, etc), then put only them and the essentials (eg Browse, Write, Record) in the favorites and hid all the rest. It would be really nice to be able to create sticks with special focus like this for targeted projects. | I love this idea! (I hope it would also include easier SoaS creation on the Mac.) When I lent some of my "Roadshow" library machines to the University of Montana education department to help them prep for a science project, I downloaded a lot of stuff not already there (eg Bridge, Star Chart, etc), then put only them and the essentials (eg Browse, Write, Record) in the favorites and hid all the rest. It would be really nice to be able to create sticks with special focus like this for targeted projects. |