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===Frame Notifications===  
===Frame Notifications===  
:: Notifications have so far been partially implemented to cover activity invitations, journal object transfer, clipboard copy events, and an activity event (used by IRC to notify of user nick mention). This proposal attempts to show a more complete solution.
:: Notifications have so far only been partially implemented to cover activity invitations, journal object transfer, clipboard copy events, and an activity event (used by IRC to notify of user nick mention). This proposal attempts to show a more complete solution.
:# <1st feature here>
:# <1st feature here>
:# <2nd feature here>
:# <2nd feature here>
:'''Implementation Details:'''
:'''Implementation Details:'''
:: <Details here>
:'''Related Material'''
:: [[Design_Team/Designs/Frame#12]]
:: [[Features/Messages_Notification]]
:'''Reviewer Comments:'''
:'''Reviewer Comments:'''
:: comments here</noinclude>
:: comments here</noinclude>
====Activity corner pulse====
back | [[#02 | next]]
back | [[#Notification badges | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_activity_corner_pulse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_activity_corner_pulse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Cipsusto facidunt conulluptat sim alit. Nonsenibh min dolut, modo commodolor, volore eugiamconse, nonummy iliquipisl diamcon euguercinis in. Modolore odolorperos quatuerit quatet. Onse aciliqu rilisit dolendrer blaore; ulputpat quissi sequam tin iriure. Velent utate endio iscipit platea ullam netus obor semper.
New notifications pulse several times in their related frame corner and then are hidden as per [[Design_Team/Designs/Frame#12]]. In this example a notification from the Journal activity is shown pulsing in the top left corner (activity and shell notifications). The small notification badge allows for potentially different notification types or levels, and helps reinforce that this pulsing icon is indeed a notification (contrast with the copy to clipboard event icon pulse in the bottom left, where no badge is needed).
====Notification badges====
[[#01 | back]] | [[#03 | next]]
[[#Activity corner pulse | back]] | [[#Journal example | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_notification_badges.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_notification_badges.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Quisisl vullandio consed. Nit id in minciliquat verci aci eugiamconse. Enississe iliquat lamconullaor quamconsequi malesuada stincil. Nisl lobortis eu veliqui quation, tinit veliqui autet. Nos loborperci endio acipsus commodolor eritis euisi. Eui vercilisit volorerci vendre ent del dolor prat erciduis; vulla varius cipsusto ipit loborper eget. Amet acing elit odolorismodi autat donec eetuercil vercilisit elenit, faccummy iuscing consequipis.
Once the frame is revealed, activities with un-viewed notifications are badged with a notification icon. A square with an exclamation mark is the current stand-in for a notification badge, but there may be more than one icon to represent different states. Example: When an out of focus activity displays an alert strip, its frame icon should be badged (perhaps a triangle with an exclamation mark).
====Journal example====
[[#Notification badges | back]] | [[#Browse example | next]]
[[#02 | back]] | [[#04 | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_journal.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_journal.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Odolobor tatisit lorper xer corem tatiniat facillum, consenisim vulla at irilla conum dolobor. Utpat niam dolorerat congue iure posuere ipisl corperc esequis. Nullam utetumm autatie litora acipit vullam aliquisi erostin sodales dit eros. Aliquet numsan odipsumsan modiam euis, rud quat lorem.
Hovering over a frame activity icon (or right click) reveals the full activity palette but also includes the notification message, or messages if there are more than one, at the bottom of the palette. Note that the badge is removed from the frame icon once the full palette is displayed. Lifetime of the notification would be based on the [ GNOME specification].
====Browse example====
[[#03 | back]] | [[#05 | next]]
[[#Journal example | back]] | [[#Activity invite | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_browse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_browse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Consequat scillum tat accum curae; eugiamcorer euissim ullamcorper modiam acipisl. Porttitor dolorerat scillum. Dio luctus vulputat vercilisit nonsequ. Dionull loreetue autet enit. Aciliquis venim justo, sit auctor utpat dolutem, augiam nonulputate cubilia adignit. Quipsum aliquat irilit atinit tempus, ero vullandigna aliqui iliqui volesed oborismodi per illaor incinci. Lor quatet utpat luptat enit ad vulla exercipsum veliqui sed aenean. Volesed amconsendre pede essisit od senectus facincil. Numsan exero mauris consequam velent; delendipis suscil niat doloborem esectem.
This mockup shows potential use of the notification system to indicate completion of a download. This would avoid needing the second alert currently using by Browse to indicate this message preventing 1) the page jumping at some random moment after instigating a download; 2) the confusion when the second alert immediately appears after dismissing the first. When showing multiple messages, it may be best to show the most recent in white, with older messages appearing in a grey to indicate their age (up-to a maximum of N entries, where a value of 5 for N seems a reasonable choice).
====Activity invite====
[[#04 | back]] | [[#06 | next]]
[[#Browse example | back]] | [[#Transfer from | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_activity_invite.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_activity_invite.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Ipisim euguercinis dictum platea dignissim, tinit lobore veliquat. Curae eum ipsustie, faciduisit platea velis accum ilis dolendrem, er viverra augiat. Vulpute fringilla ulputat iniatue esequis iliquat. Faccum ipsusci euisl pellentesque nullute ate utpat, laore dolesecte suscin, magnit faciduisi quisque nulla. Augait minit eui. Sequam niam iril iniam etuercillan at.
Mockup showing an activity invite notification.
====Transfer from====
[[#05 | back]] | [[#07 | next]]
[[#Activity invite | back]] | [[#Transfer to | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_transfer_from.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_transfer_from.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Ipisim eummy modion consecte vendiatie tisis risus. Lobor risus esectem, mi integer, blaore enisit, loborper non tatum nullum sumsan. Modiam molor habitasse adipsusto nec, exero tatum msandre. Obor odolobor irilit ulla feuguer, henit quam dionsenit. Ullaor vullan se iniam.
Mockup notification for a completed file transfer from another users.
====Transfer to====
[[#06 | back]] | [[#08 | next]]
[[#Transfer from | back]] | [[#School server messages | next]]
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_transfer_to.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_transfer_to.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Autatie feuguerostin suspendisse. Commod sequam autpate andrero laore. Landrem mauris ulputat veliquat dolendrem od hendre aciliqu eum dolorem rhoncusismod.
Mockup notification showing a file transfer to another user that has been remotely declined. Note that having displayed each full palette the notification badges on the frame icons have all been cleared. Revealing a palette with an old, already displayed notification could display the notification in grey to indicate it has been viewed instead of white (if it has not timed out and been auto removed).
====School server messages====
[[#07 | back]] | [[#09 | next]]
[[#Transfer to| back]] | next
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_transfer_to.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_notification_for_schoolserver_message_broadcast.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Class volut alisi. Conullandiam ullam ulla aliscil et. Modolutem semper iriure doloborper nos, sapien vulluptatum susto adipiscing ipsusci deliquatueismod nim elesequismodi ametumm.
Messages from a schoolserver could use the same technique as the existing transfer to/from design. This could cover XS registration messages, institutional broadcast messages (the case shown above), and perhaps automatic updater messages (would make sense if schoolservers are being used to cache yum repos).
[[#08 | back]] | [[#10 | next]]
===Alternative corner history design===
For completeness, this was an initial attempt at a notification UI based on a [[Features/Messages Notification|feature proposal]] from [[User:Tch|Martin Abente]].
[[Image:Mockup_of_corner_activity_notification_history_examples.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_of_corner_activity_notification_history_examples.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Corem consequat loborting feui irilla; hendigna exerat susciduipit eui esequi.
'''Pros.''' 1) Simpler to implement. 2) All notification messages in a single place (well for each given corner type).
'''Cons.''' 1) Notification is not visually linked to the specific activity that generated it, e.g. if several uploads are ongoing which one was just declined? 2) Makes new use of the frame corner space, very lightly to interfere with the frame hot corners, accidentally triggering the notification palette when trying to open the frame. 3) Adds new full size icon clutter/complication to the frame corners (which must be different than the icon of the actual activity to avoid confusion, e.g. two journal icons in the frame would be confusing).
===Notification history as a device icon===
Walter suggested the possibility of having the notification history available as a device icon rather than in a frame corner.
[[Image:Mockup_of_activity_notification_history_as_a_device_icon.png | thumb | center | 640px |
Placing the consolidated history of all notifications in as a device icon would avoid overloading the frame corners with new UI behaviours, though dilutes the spacial link between a corner notification and its frame edge. Would notification text appear both in this device icon and a frame menu?


Navigation menu