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[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_browse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_activity_notification_example_browse.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Consequat scillum tat accum curae; eugiamcorer euissim ullamcorper modiam acipisl. Porttitor dolorerat scillum. Dio luctus vulputat vercilisit nonsequ. Dionull loreetue autet enit. Aciliquis venim justo, sit auctor utpat dolutem, augiam nonulputate cubilia adignit. Quipsum aliquat irilit atinit tempus, ero vullandigna aliqui iliqui volesed oborismodi per illaor incinci. Lor quatet utpat luptat enit ad vulla exercipsum veliqui sed aenean. Volesed amconsendre pede essisit od senectus facincil. Numsan exero mauris consequam velent; delendipis suscil niat doloborem esectem.
This mockup shows potential use of the notification system to indicate completion of a download. This would avoid needing the second alert currently using by Browse to indicate this message preventing 1) the page jumping at some random moment after instigating a download; 2) the confusion when the second alert immediately appears after dismissing the first. When showing multiple messages, it may be best to show the most recent in white, with older messages appearing in a grey to indicate their age (up-to a maximum of N entries, where a value of 5 for N seems a reasonable choice).


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