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Created page with "''informal meeting'' :'''<walterbender_>''' hola todas :'''<walterbender_>''' while we are waiting for our quorum, any regex hackers out there? :'''<walterbender_>''' I am a bit..."
''informal meeting''

:'''<walterbender_>''' hola todas
:'''<walterbender_>''' while we are waiting for our quorum, any regex hackers out there?
:'''<walterbender_>''' I am a bit rusty and I have a simple problem I am trying to solve...
:'''<jelkner>''' hi walterbender
:'''<walterbender_>''' hi jeff
:'''<walterbender_>''' jelkner: I may be in town early Feb.
:'''<jelkner>''' great
:'''<walterbender_>''' jelkner: the State Dept. is holding an education event...
:'''<jelkner>''' we should tell mike lee
:'''<walterbender_>''' I'll forward the details as soon as I have them
:'''<jelkner>''' and see if we can plan a meeting while you are here
:'''<walterbender_>''' jelkner: we've been discussing various Learn English initiatives
:'''<jelkner>''' i'm very interested
:'''<jelkner>''' i work with ESL students most of the day
:'''<walterbender_>''' jelkner: check out
:'''<jelkner>''' if you have any activities you would like me to try with our students
:'''<walterbender_>''' hola icarito
:'''<jelkner>''' let me know
:'''<icarito>''' hello walterbender
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: I heard back from Suzanne Hall today (but not Oscar :( )
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, excellent, what a shame about oscar
:'''<icarito>''' has the meeting started yet?
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: Suzanne wants to definitely do something with Maureen Orth
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: waiting for quorum (again)
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, dirakx and I were discussing yesterday about what the next steps would be
:'''<walterbender_>''' cjb is on holiday, I believe
:'''<walterbender_>''' not sure about everyone else...
:'''<walterbender_>''' bernie has been spending his time in the FSF colo trying to get their servers stablized :P
:'''<icarito>''' bernie is my hero
:'''<icarito>''' :-)
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: we should come up with a short list of tangible projects and perhaps run them past Maureen before getting back to Suzanne
:'''<walterbender_>''' haven't heard from mel or adam or aleksey
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, dirakx do we have maybe a contact with maureen orth?
:'''<walterbender_>''' could be a bit too ambitious to have scheduled this meeting on the 23rd of December :)
:'''<walterbender_>''' while we are waiting, a couple of other things going on:
:'''<walterbender_>''' (1) the Sugar Labs Slipstream cycling team seems to be happening... it is being thus referred to in the cycling press
:'''<walterbender_>''' I will be meeting with them in late January/early Feb. to discuss details of how we may leverage their presence to promote Sugar
:'''<walterbender_>''' (2) I will be going to CES to talk with a couple of OEMs about Sugar... stay tuned
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' slow day / mad day, hi all!
:'''<icarito>''' okay we are planing a Somos Azucar meeting for next tuesday
:'''<walterbender_>''' (3) I have been talking with an educator at Johns Hopkins about how we might add some interesting metrics into the Journal... again, stay tuned
:* dirakx reading backlog.
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: maybe I can join the Tuesday meeting
:'''<walterbender_>''' hi CanoeBerry
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, that would be great we will be holding it via IRC I think but we are thinking about opening a voice channel also
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, it will be held at 10AM EST tuesday 28th
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: what channel?
-->| SeanDaly (~chatzilla@ has joined #sugar-meeting
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' our olpcMAP Sprint's unreleased Peru film will be 5PM Tues Dec 28:
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, i forgot to specify - #sugar-meeting would be the easiest i think
:'''<icarito>''' hello CanoeBerry
:'''<SeanDaly>''' hi everyone
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, tell us more about this Peru film
:'''<icarito>''' hi SeanDaly
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' icarito: read above, it's unreleased so your guess is as good as mine :)
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: did you see the Sugar Labs Slipstream news today?
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: nothing remarkable except that they are now referring to the team as SL Slipstream :)
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, i was confused by your calling it ""
:'''<walterbender_>''' CanoeBerry: streaming?
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' ( represents a very early draft of Audubon Dougherty's work)
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, ah yes we heard from his work
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' No streaming plans to date. Am not even sure Audubon's plans around releasing/selling her film she's now working hard on finalizing :)
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Will ask.
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender: no missed that
:'''<SeanDaly>''' it's cool
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: :)
:'''<SeanDaly>''' and:
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: still waiting to see the jersey...
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly:
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: maybe they need some design help?
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: I sent them the artwork from the wiki...
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: great
:'''<walterbender_>''' seems we won't have a quorum. I am guessing the week between Christmas and New Years is a wash too
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: this "reverse sponsorship" approach is very innovative
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, perhaps you'd like to promote the map making sprint in the spanish speaking lists?
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Great!
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: this all happened at that talk I gave in Paris a couple of months back... too bad we didn't connect on that trip
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' icarito: tomorrow i'll have much better outreach materials ready too, even if my Spanish is non-existent very sadly :)
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, I could translate some info if you tell me what
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Awesome
:'''<walterbender_>''' anything else we should discuss today (informally) as a group?
:'''<icarito>''' no more slobs present? should start counting absences?
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' So far supervolunteer Marina has done all the outreach -- tonight I'll juice it up a few notehcs.
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: yes well no crying over spilt milk :D
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, be sure to contact with the rest of the community in Sur / SL we are here to help
:'''<walterbender_>''' (I am probably in Las Vegas on the 6th)
:'''<walterbender_>''' so maybe we don't meet again until the 13th???
:'''<walterbender_>''' Not sure there is any pressing business, just lots to talk about
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Peru topic while we're on it: what physical meetups are poss?
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: sponsorship thing could have PR...
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: actually there is a marketing issue which needs attention
:'''<walterbender_>''' CanoeBerry: icarito and I have been in discussion with the Ministry about a Sugar Camp in Feb. in Lima
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Feb is soon!
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: ???
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: CES
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: I will be there, probably for just one day
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, actually feb is too soon for me
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: it's possible OLPC and/or Marvell will announce update on tablets
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: I mentioned to Rodrigo that if that happens, it's important the message get out that XOs are still going strong & will continue
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: I don't know... Ed and/or Reuben may know
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, you can join our all volunteer meeting on Tuesday 10AM if you wish
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' What's the topic roughly?
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Thanks!
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, we want to talk about our services portfolio especially
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: I think any announcement would be staged... with mention of the 1.75 machine as a stepping stone. 1.75 is looking good
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: I could liaise with Jackie who would know... we just need to avoid tech journalists who may deduce that XO-1.x (& Sugar with it) on the way out if tablets come in
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: if you are in CES that would be the day to do PR ;-)
:'''<walterbender_>''' AFAIK, no announcement is planned, but I will ask
:'''<SeanDaly>''' ok thanks
:'''<cjb>''' oops, had time zone confusion, apologies.
:'''<walterbender_>''' cjb: the West Coast operates on its own time :)
:'''<walterbender_>''' we do have a quorum, if it still makes sense to meet
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: where did we get Sugar USB sticks made last time? I really to make some more...
:'''<cjb>''' worried I'm going to have to disappear soon, so perhaps better not. last minute xmas preparation :)
:'''<cjb>''' SeanDaly: walterbender_: I'm not aware of any CES announcements from our end either
:'''<walterbender_>''' cjb: tis the season...
:* walterbender_ hasn't gotten his wife a present yet :P
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: I have all that info but that supplier perhaps not best choice; was expensive (over $8/stick), printing not great, high defect rate on sticks (+5%), lanyards did not fit. However, to be fair it was a rush job for them and a small lot (100 sticks)
:'''<walterbender_>''' so, shall we plan to meet again next week or the 13th? (the 6th doesn't work for me).
:* SeanDaly suggests for wife... French perfume :D :D
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: if you or anyone else has recommendations, please let me know
:'''<walterbender_>''' SeanDaly: I meant for USB sticks, not a present for me wife :)
:'''<cjb>''' walterbender_: I think thurs 30th works for me
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: hee hee
:'''<cjb>''' I'm flying back on the 28th, so I'll be home
:'''<icarito>''' 13th works for me better
:'''<walterbender_>''' maybe another informal gathering on the 28th and the next official meeting on the 13th?
:'''<SeanDaly>''' walterbender_: Yes I can assist with USB sticks... let's not forget OnDisk too
:'''<walterbender_>''' and I will solicit reports from the teams and labs
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' next week will be one non-stop community meeting, for those who missed the news :)
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Tue/Wed Dec 28-29 especially.
:'''<cjb>''' walterbender_: maybe we should organise via mail
:'''<walterbender_>''' +1
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, yes an informal meeting on the 28 would work for us, what time do you think?
:* cjb can't do 28th, will be on a plane.
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' 10am Tue 28th will be in Spanish only??
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' 10am EST?
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, sorry yes
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' :)
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, maybe its not the best meeting to visit yet
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' I'll ask any Spanish-speakers arriving Cambridge/OLPC if they might jump in.
:'''<icarito>''' CanoeBerry, actually we plan to work on our strategic plan so perhaps its not the best meeting to join at the moment
:'''<icarito>''' but thanks
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Sure, got it.
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' walterbender: are you able to join our film and/or huge volunteer dinner Tue night?
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' (Film 5pm, Royal East 7pm)
:'''<icarito>''' i'll have to get going now
:'''<walterbender_>''' OK...
:'''<jelkner>''' walterbender_: i've got to run. let mike and i know when you're coming to dc.
:'''<JT4sugar>''' walterbender, Will get you info for State Dept on English initiatives with refugee cities Fargo,ND and North Dakota State along with Lansing,MI and Michigan State on Sunday 26th
:'''<SeanDaly>''' hi JT4sugar
:'''<walterbender_>''' JT4sugar: great. I already gave them a heads up...
:'''<JT4sugar>''' SeanDaly, Hi Sean
:'''<JT4sugar>''' walterbender, Great
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, will contact maureen orth from sugar labs colombia, keep you on the loop
:'''<walterbender_>''' icarito: +1
:'''<icarito>''' goodbye for now
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' bye all!
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' merry everything :)
:'''<icarito>''' yes merry christmas everyone!
:'''<SeanDaly>''' merry merry
:'''<icarito>''' walterbender, good luck with wife's gift
:'''<JT4sugar>''' Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
:'''<SeanDaly>''' JT4sugar: will use time off in the coming week to prepare for marketing restart...
:'''<JT4sugar>''' SeanDaly, Pretty free next week if you would like to skype
:'''<walterbender_>''' thanks all... happy holidays...
:'''<SeanDaly>''' JT4sugar: that's a plan... if internet access where I'm going :D
:'''<SeanDaly>''' another snowy mountain
:'''<JT4sugar>''' SeanDaly, Let me know
:'''<SeanDaly>''' JT4sugar: ok will do!

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