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::Note all nightly compose are ephemeral builds for testing and are erased when the next build happens.  
::Note all nightly compose are ephemeral builds for testing and are erased when the next build happens.  
;sugar 0.92.2 NEW Version of sugar up from 0.92.1
;selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on safe boot required to boot
;even though Nic Is named eml in f16; NM waits for eth0 which does not exist
:Boot from CD
:Note only boots this way:
safe graphics boot <TAB> (with quiet removed) and selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on boot line
it pauses in boot on:
Started: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
Started Network Manager
atl1c : eml Nic Link is Up<100Mbps Half duplex>
atl1c : wlan0 Link is not up....
sed: can't read /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt: No such file or directory
*(5 minute wait).................................
:Starting Sandbox:
::then resumes:
*gdm Live System User with blue gnome background with tree with mechanical and live bird
Generic release 16 (Generic)
Live System User
Log in as liveuser
"Click to change color"
=> Done
"Choose password for new keyring"
add password 2x Choose password for new keyring
"An Application wants access to the keyring 'xxx' but it is locked
(7 repeats; Cancel as cannot write to keychain)
*f1 Network Neighborhood has +- 200 avitars
About My Computer
  Software Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut)
  Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
*Software Update
Speak 25-26
Write 72-74
Turtle Art 107-109
record 91-92
*Software List  (;=not a favorite)
etoys 116
pippy 40
;IRC 9
calculate 37
memorize 36
;physics 8
;log 24
;abacus 19
;surf 115
Speak 25-26
Write 72-74
Turtle Art 107-109
record 91-92
*tested with CD boot on Acer Aspire One
*tested with CD boot on Acer Aspire One
;jabber connects after restart with a password set
;jabber connects after restart with a password set


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