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Turtle Art blocks are named in the current language. Mokurai has created an alternative language-independent "localization" for TA, using symbols rather than words to name the blocks. He hopes that this will make TA accessible to pre-schoolers, after some period working on [[Activities/TurtleArt/Tutorials/You_be_the_Turtle|You be the turtle]]. It has not been made part of TA yet, but we are working on it.

Can you read these examples?

[[File:Tangent.png|Tangent to a curve]]
[[File:TangentAtMaximum.png|Local maximum with level tangent]]

Here is a more complicated one.

[[File:Numeric integration program.png|Numerical integration]]

This example draws X and Y axes and graphs a function. Then it draws lines from the X axis to the curve, and adds the area of the lines. This approximates a Riemann integral. But never mind that. Can you read the blocks?


To be added


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