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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
Sucrose 0.94 is the latest version of the [ Sugar learning platform]: Sugar promotes collaborative learning through [ Sugar Activities] that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software. Furthermore it provides a flexible and powerful platform for activity developers.  
Sugar 0.94 will be the new version of the [ Sugar learning platform]. It will be released the 28th of September 2011 (see [[0.94/Roadmap#Schedule]] for details).  
Sugar is Free and Open Source Software and consists of [[Taxonomy#Glucose:_The_base_Sugar_environment|Glucose]], the base system environment; and [[Taxonomy#Fructose:_The_set_of_demonstration_activities|Fructose]], a set of demonstration activities. This new release contains many new features, performance and code improvements, bug fixes, and translations.
This page is meant to give you an overview of the features, enhancements and bug fixes you can expect. Furthermore it has information for developers, packagers and deployers.
If you find bugs in the please report them into the [ Sugar Labs bug tracker] indicating the 0.93.x version in the ticket version field. If you have hardware from OLPC you can use one of the current development builds for testing: [ os3] for the i686 architecture (XO 1 and XO 1.5) and [ os41] for the new ARM hardware (XO 1.75). The current development version is as well available in [ Fedora 16] and [ sugar-jhbuild] in the master branch.
== What is new for users ==
== What is new for users ==


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