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== Tips to Activity Developers ==
== Tips to Activity Developers ==
'''this is just a stub'''
===Going from Drawable to Cairo===
GTK-3 does not support gtk Drawable objects, so the first step is to get your activity running under Cairo.
# From activity.Activity, you inherit a canvas. Get its window.
win = self.canvas.get_window()
# Create a Cairo context from the window.
cr = win.cairo_create()
# Create a Cairo surface from the context
surface = cr.get_target()
# Create an XLib surface to be used for drawing
xlib_surface = surface.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR,
# You'll need a Cairo context from which you'll build a GTK Cairo context
cr = cairo.Context(xlib_surface)
cr = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cr)
# Use this context as you would a Drawable, substituting Cairo commands for gtk commands, e.g.,
cr.move_to(0, 0)
cr.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)  # Cairo uses floats from 0 to 1 for RGB values
cr.rectangle(x, y, w, h)
# To invalidate a region to forse a refresh, use:
self.canvas.queue_draw_area(x, y, w, h)
* GTK-3 does not support Drawable, so the first step is to get your activity running under Cairo.
:* Example: abacus-cairo
:* Example: abacus-cairo
:* Example: abacus-gtk3
:* Example: abacus-gtk3

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