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Visit to school in Lacachi
== Visit to school in Lacachi ==

From: Bernie Innocenti <>
Subject: Visit to school in Lacachi
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 15:50:19 -0500

This small school is in a very isolated region 2 hours drive south from Puno. I was very impressed by the tremendous work done by the teachers with the XO even though they had received very little training.

In Lacachi, children of all grades take the laptops home every day and use them while helping their parents to look after the animals. The teachers said that, without a working repair service, the incentive is to keep the laptops secured in boxes and use them occasionally, like the nearby schools do.

These are my raw notes from the visit:


* Laptops: 40 XO-1
* Software: Sugar 0.84 with few activities
* Internet: no
* Electricity: good wiring, but they have frequent blackouts
* Child ownership: yes (grades 1-6, last year only grades 3-6)
* Broken laptops: 4 (screen, keyboard, battery). They're not sending them out for repair because they are never returned.
* Problems reported by teachers: touchpads (they have 10 mouses), no curriculum, keys come off
* Laptop use in school: 0.5-1h per day
* Laptop use at home: 1-2h (they use laptops also when they're looking after cows and sheep)
* Activities used: scratch, e-toys, wikipedia write, tamtam mini, turtle art, speak, rompecaveza(puzzle), escribir, pintar, navegar, calculadora, maquina de discos
* Teacher training: once 3 years ago, only about starting/stopping activities etc
* Favorite activities:
girl grade 5: rompecavezas, scratch, escribir
girl grade 6: record, calculadora
boy grade 2: record, rompecavezas
boy grade 2: record, maquina de discos
girl grade 2: rompecaveza
girl grade 2: escribir, tamtam mini, rompecaveza
boy grade 2: tamtam mini
boy grade 1: rompecavezas, speak, etoys (carrito :-)
girl grade 1: rompecavezas, write, read
boy grade 3: tamtam mini, etoys (carro)
boy grade 4: record, write, pintar, maquina de discos, tamtam mini
boy grade 4: maquina de discos, tamtam, record
boy grade 4: tamtam, record, paint, chat
girl grade 5: browse (science), maquina de discos, wikipedia, scratch
girl grade 6: scratch, etoys, pippy, write, wikipedia
boy grade 6: write, wikipedia, maquina de discos, paint, scratch, etoys
boy grade 5: scratch, etoys, maquina de discos
girl grade 6: implode, paint, browse, wikipedia, tamtam mini, scratch, record
girl grade 6: maquina de discos, wikipedia, browse, write, turtle art, etoys
girl grade 5: sudoku, scratch, etoys, maquina de discos, rompecavezas
girl grade 3: rompecavezas, write, record, paint
girl grade 4: record, write, paint, rompecavezas, maquina de discos
girl grade 3: rompecaveza, record, maquina de discos, turtle art
girl grade 4: rompecaveza, paint, record, maquina de discos, write, tamtam
girl grade 5: rompecaveza, etoys, paint, turtle art (tortuguita!), paint, wikipedia, maquina de discos

* Many kids are also using Sudoku, Organizer (?), Physics, Memorize
* They use collaboration for chatting
* The children somehow got plenty of mp3s on their laptops
* They have e-books of poetry
* Some of the children say they are using the laptop for maths
* They used Wikipedia to research the history of Peru
* They use Internet when they go to the city
* They went to the city on a school trip to create gmail accounts and chat with the developers of Escuelab
* Going to the city to get Internet connectivity costs about 10 soles per kid


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