Yupana is an Incan counting device similar to an abacus.
Yupana is an Incan counting device similar to an abacus.
=== How to use the Yupana ===
The beads are organized in columns, where the units (1s) column is farthest to the right; tens (10s) is second from the right; hundreds (100s) is third from the right, etc.
Click on a dot and it will reverse its state (color), and either add or substract value from that column.
More details regarding the history and use of the Yupana can be found here:
[http://cursa.ihmc.us/rid=1J2NH8QTM-2912G6-PZ5/yupana_como_herramienta_pedagogica.pdf Yupana como herramienta pedagogica.pdf]
* '''Did you know''' that you can use the yupana over the network with your friends?
=== Where to get Yupana ===
The Yupana activity is available for download from the [http://activities.sugarlabs.org Sugar activity portal]: [http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4533 Yupana]
The source code is available on [http://git.sugarlabs.org/yupana the Sugar Labs Gitorious server].
Where to get Yupana: [http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4533]