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GSoC Project: Open Video Chat

Open Video Chat was originally developed at RIT as a sign language communication tool, hence no audio was in the original version.

Last quarter some work was done to upgrade the UI to Gtk3, modifications were made to the network stack, and an attempt was made to upgrade to GStreamer 1.0.

The project is still in an incomplete state, and most of these changes have not been pushed to the original repository.



GStreamer is still incomplete, so the objective is to complete its upgrade from 0.10 to 1.0 and then port the software to non-sugar platforms.

This would allow communication with other environments, adding to exposure and helping teachers and developers not operating on XO laptops to communicate with XO laptop users.

A summary of project objectives can be found under the [ github tickets].


'''Current Project Status:'''

- Wire-Frames for Cross Platform Consistency
- Plan to port

Immediate Focus:

- Migrating changes from Forked repository to RIT FOSS Repository
- Cleaning up repository structure for Cross-Platform Code placement
- GUI Revisions and initial cross-platform build

Visit the [ blog] for more detailed information.


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