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=== Site Model ===  
=== Site Model ===  
Initially Moksaya project offers the following functionality to the site :
Initially Moksaya project offers a RESTful interface to the following models:
User Profiles can be accessed by the RESTful Apis and it serves all the related Resources say all the projects of particular user , comments on projects, likes , friends of the user etcs.
* Accounts : I have added an existing Django app to handle authentication and user accounts , I have made some modifications to include the User Profile functionality.It's not complete but it's functional so to give me an idea of what we are trying to achieve.
* Top Level View :
* Projects : This django app facilitates the site with the ability to Upload / Download and sharing of Projects along with the basic descriptions.This app also provides the comment functionality and I plan to extend this app to handle more functionalities like Forking , Galleries , Favourite , Like etcs.
    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 3
    "objects": [
            "about_me": "DjangoNaut",
            "birth_date": "1991-06-20",
            "friends": [
            "gender": 1,
            "language": "en",
            "location": "India",
            "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg",
            "privacy": "registered",
            "projects": [
                    "Likes": 3,
                    "comment": [
                            "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                            "resource_uri": "",
                            "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                            "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                            "resource_uri": "",
                            "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
                    "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
                    "owner": "aregee",
                    "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
                    "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
                    "src": "/media/proejcts/",
                    "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
                    "Likes": 1,
                    "comment": [],
                    "desc": "Wired Hack ",
                    "owner": "aregee",
                    "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
                    "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
                    "src": "/media/proejcts/",
                    "title": "Someting Wong"
                    "Likes": 0,
                    "comment": [],
                    "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
                    "owner": "aregee",
                    "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
                    "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:18:23.307241",
                    "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
                    "title": "First Project Upload"
            "user": "aregee",
            "website": ""
            "about_me": "Profile BIO",
            "birth_date": "2013-06-26",
            "friends": [
            "gender": 2,
            "language": "en",
            "location": "Delhi",
            "mugshot": null,
            "privacy": "registered",
            "projects": [
                    "Likes": 3,
                    "comment": [],
                    "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
                    "owner": "testuser",
                    "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
                    "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
                    "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
                    "title": "First Project Upload"
                    "Likes": 0,
                    "comment": [],
                    "desc": "Wired Hack ",
                    "owner": "testuser",
                    "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
                    "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572",
                    "src": "/media/proejcts/",
                    "title": "Someting Wong"
            "user": "testuser",
            "website": ""
            "about_me": "Hello I am a dummy User here and I am doing something very amazing",
            "birth_date": "2013-07-02",
            "friends": [
            "gender": 1,
            "language": "en",
            "location": "India",
            "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/0ebb9512eb.jpg",
            "privacy": "registered",  
            "projects": [],  
            "user": "SomeDude",  
            "website": ""
* Pinax_Theme_bootstrap : I have been customizing this django app to attain a desirable frontend , this app handles the User Interface Part.
* Individual User Profiles could be further requested as
    "about_me": "Profile BIO",
    "birth_date": "2013-06-26",
    "friends": [
    "gender": 2,
    "language": "en",
    "location": "Delhi",
    "mugshot": null,
    "privacy": "registered",
    "projects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
            "Likes": 0,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
    "user": "testuser",
    "website": ""
* Related Resource Projects here can be accessed by
    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 5
    "objects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
            "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
            "Likes": 1,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
            "Likes": 0,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:18:23.307241",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
            "Likes": 0,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
In the above results I have excluded Project ids from the json Response, but similarly each individual project could be accessed and updated by making GET or Post or Put request to<pk>?format=json
* Accessing particular  project
    "Likes": 1,
    "comment": [],
    "desc": "Wired Hack ",
    "owner": "aregee",
    "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
    "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
    "src": "/media/proejcts/",
    "title": "Someting Wong"
Lets take a look at how forking works here , though this is not really the best approach but I am doing this for understanding purpose and would figure out the proper solution for this ..
but for now here it is.
* Lets say these are the projects on the Moksaya submitted by the user  :
    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 3
    "objects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
            "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
            "id": 1,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
            "Likes": 1,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "id": 2,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "id": 3,
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
* Now I am logged in as aregee , and here is my profile at
    "about_me": "DjangoNaut",
    "birth_date": "1991-06-20",
    "friends": [
    "gender": 1,
    "language": "en",
    "location": "India",
    "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg",
    "privacy": "registered",
    "projects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
            "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
            "id": 1,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
            "Likes": 1,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "id": 2,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
    "user": "aregee",
    "website": ""
* Now I want to fork the Project with id = 3 created by testuser , so I will make a GET request to
    "Changes": {
        "owner": "testuser",
        "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494"
    "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
    "resource_uri": "/api/v1/forking/3/",
    "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
    "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
    "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
    "title": "First Project Upload"
The diffs / metadata could be viewed for the changes made , for instance here the response shows the original author of the project and the date it was shared
* Lets take a look at my Profile again at
    "about_me": "DjangoNaut",
    "birth_date": "1991-06-20",
    "friends": [
    "gender": 1,
    "language": "en",
    "location": "India",
    "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg",
    "privacy": "registered",
    "projects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
            "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
            "id": 1,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
            "Likes": 1,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "id": 2,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
            "Likes": 0,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "id": 4,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
    "user": "aregee",
    "website": ""
* And the list of projects at
    "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 4
    "objects": [
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                    "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time",
                    "resource_uri": "",
                    "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
            "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now",
            "id": 1,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
            "Likes": 1,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "Wired Hack ",
            "id": 2,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/",
            "title": "Someting Wong"
            "Likes": 3,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "id": 3,
            "owner": "testuser",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
            "Likes": 0,
            "comment": [],
            "desc": "This is my first hello world code",
            "id": 4,
            "owner": "aregee",
            "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png",
            "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294",
            "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c",
            "title": "First Project Upload"
Difference among the two Projects can be tracked by  Project.objects.get(pk = 4).diff(Project.objects.get(pk = 3))  , its a method provided by the django-forkit app to view changes / differences in the forkable models.
Meta data field needs to bee added to Projects field so that we can save these differences when a project is forked , and every project should contain a link to original creator.
=== TODOS ===  
=== TODOS ===  


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