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How to install Sugar on a Stick on USB
==<big>'''Installing Sugar on a Stick'''</big>==

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'''Warning: In order to install Sugar on a Stick using unetbootin, it's recommended that tyhe USB is empty'''

==Required software==

* Unetbootin - [ Unetbootin download]
* Sugar on a Stick - [[Sugar_on_a_Stick|SoaS download]]

==Installation process==

1. Execute Unetbootin and select the option "DiskImage (DiscoImagen)"


2. Search for the downloaled iso file of Sugar on a Stick


3. In type (Tipo), be sure that you have selected USB


4. Select the target USB device and lick on "Accept (Aceptar)"


5. Wait until Unetbootin copy the files


6. Then you're done!!, if you like to restart the computer in order to boot from USB, click on Restart now (Reiniciar Ahora), else click on Exit.



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