Sugar on a Stick/Explore
Proposed for Archive.
It has been proposed that this page be regarded as an archive. It could be marked "Archive" or it could be moved to an Archive location. --Inkyfingers 21:24, 4 March 2012 (EST)
Please contribute to the discussion on the talk page.
< Sugar on a Stick/Installation | Sugar on a Stick/Boot
The contents of this page is now fully duplicated by Getting Started/Explore, please visit that page.
Explore it
- Once you have successfully launched Sugar on a Stick, you should explore the Sugar Learning Platform.
- See these introductory resources:
- Getting Started
- Sugar manual. It has help pages dedicated to most of the platform activities.
- Demo basics
- Do try running Sugar on more than one machine, so you can enjoy its collaboration features.
- Sugar on a Stick uses by default the English (USA) keyboard layout.
- If you need to change this, you need to click on 'My Settings' item in the menu for the
Learner icon.
- From the My Settings control panel you will see a 'Keyboard' control tool that will allow you to change the default keyboard layout.
- If you need to change this, you need to click on 'My Settings' item in the menu for the
- Explore the other configuration changes that you may make on this panel.
- Sugar Labs is an all volunteer-run organization that depends on the feedback and participation of Learners (our community).
- See Get involved,
- Submit bugs, &
- Request features
- all on the sidebar of every wiki page.