Sugar on a Stick/Installation

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Sugar on a Stick is best installed by following the Fedora Installation Guide.

The rest of this Wiki page is outdated, or superceded by the Fedora Installation Guide.

SoaS installation on USB/SD devices

with Microsoft Windows

Windows.gif There are three ways to do this:

  • 1. Burn a CD-ROM disc, boot from it, then run the script, livecd-iso-to-disk
    1. Use Windows 7 built-in Disk Image Burner or a free utility, like ImgBurn, to write the downloaded Sugar on a Stick .iso file onto a blank CD.
    2. Insert a USB flash drive (or SD Card Notes) with 2 GB or more of free space into your computer.
    3. Boot your computer with the CD-ROM disc. You probably need to press F1, F10, F12, Esc, or a similar key as the computer starts up in order to set the boot source for your computer to the CD-ROM device.
    4. A successful boot will take you into Sugar on a Stick. You can From there, open the Terminal Activity, Activity-terminal.png, from the Home list View.
    5. Switch to run commands with 'root' user permissions by entering su - on the command line.
    6. Change the working directory, by entering cd /run/initramfs/live/LiveOS
    7. Verify the USB/SD scsi drive node name (such as sda, sdb, etc.) and partition (such as 1, 2, etc.) for your USB/SD device. It would look like, for example, /dev/sdb1.
      • The df -Th command shows your device filesystem on a device node, for example, /dev/sdb1, mounted on a directory mount point, such as /run/media/liveuser/<USBdeviceManufacturer>
          You should see something like the following:
    1. Unmount the USB device filesystem with this command: umount /run/media/liveuser/MyUSBdiscMountPoint, where MyUSBdiscMountPoint is SanDisk in the dropdown example, above.
    2. Execute this command line:  (Substitute the /dev/sd?1, below, with the node name you determined in step 7, above.)
      ./livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 500 --home-size-mb 800 --delete-home --unencrypted-home /run/initramfs/livedev /dev/sd?1
    3. (The 500 and 800 size values, above, are suitable for a 2 GB USB device. For a 4 GB device, one might use 1000 and 1600 megabytes instead.)
      The installation transcript should look like the following:
    4. Shutdown the physical machine.
    5. Reboot your computer from the newly-installed Live USB with Sugar on a Stick.

    • 2. Use Fedora Live USB Creator
      (This installation method is NOT recommended for LONG-TERM usage of Sugar on a Stick!! Catastrophic data corruption may occur when the USB stick gets full! See why.)
      1. Download the Live USB Creator from Fedora.
      2. Insert a USB flash drive (or SD Card Notes) with 2 GB or more of free space into your computer.
      3. Launch Live USB Creator.
      4. Select Either
      5. 1) the 'Browse' button to 'Use existing Live CD' and find the downloaded .iso file image on your system.
      6. 2) Download Fedora and select Fedora-SoaS-{i386|x86_64}-{22|23} (This automates the download and checksum routine and directly burns to the USB/ SDCard
      7. Adjust the Persistent Storage slider. This enables you to save changes to the system and additional Sugar Activities onto the device. (aka persistence file or Overlay --this space by default is write once only) --see below for additional way to make /home a rw overlay
      8. Select your flash drive as the target, and click the Create Live USB button.
      9. With the latest version of Fedora LiveUSB Creator you have TWO (2) option for burning method
      10. 1) CP (non destructive) -- meaning you can still use the unused space on a larger (8-16-32-64Gb) usb for whatever post burn.
      11. 2) DD ( the old school way) Note: THIS WILL destroy any previous data make sure you properly select the drive to use AND make backups of any pre-existing important data (you will not be easily able to retrieve overwritten data)
      12. Wait for the process to finish, then close the Live USB Creator program.
      13. Stop your flash drive with the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media notification area icon dialog, and eject it.
    See a screenshot tutorial for this.
    See a video of an earlier version of this process.

    • 3. Launch a virtual machine with the Sugar on a Stick .iso file, then run the script, livecd-iso-to-disk
      1. Download and install VirtualBox (for example; you could do something similar with another vm).
      2. Create a new virtual machine.
      3. Choose Linux for the Operating System and Version Fedora (64 bit) if available, or Fedora, on systems lacking 64-bit functionality.
      4. Attach the Sugar on a Stick .iso file as a CD in the Storage Section
      5. Insert a USB storage device into your physical computer and enable the VirtualBox USB controller. Then add a filter to recognize the inserted device in the USB section of the VirtualBox machine setup.
      6. Start the new virtual machine.
      7. Verify that the USB device is recognized in the running virtual machine.
        • Your device appears in the hover box for the USB stick icon in the virtual machine bottom frame.
        • df -Th shows your device filesystem on a device node, for example, /dev/sda1, mounted on a directory mount point, such as /run/media/<AccountName>/<USBdeviceManufacturer>
          You should see something like the following:
      1. Continue from step #4 in the Burn a CD-ROM disc section above.
      2. Shutdown the virtual machine.
      3. Reboot your physical computer from the newly-installed Live USB with Sugar on a Stick.


    A Secure Digital (SD) card may not be marked as a bootable device. To check this, use these instructions at a Linux terminal or console:

    • Check the disk partition table for a device, such as /dev/sdc,
    sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc   <----that's a lowercase letter 'L' for the list option.
      You should see something like the following:

      The asterisk, * , under the Boot column indicates that the partition is bootable.

          If it is missing, then execute the commands here:

    with Apple Macintosh


    Fedora 15 and Fedora 16

    The following work on some Intel MacBooks
    Persistent USB for Mac - Testing/Reports/Sugar on a Stick#MacBook Persistent SoaS v5 and SoaS v6 EFI Boot USB
    dd writable USB.img - Testing/Reports/Sugar_on_a_Stick#dd_writable_1_GB_EFI_Boot_.28MAC.29_USB_Soas-v6-Pineapple_x86-USB_.img

    with GNU/Linux


    1. Download the latest Sugar on a Stick .iso file.

    2. Prepare: (with root user permissions at a terminal or console command line)
      • Create a mount point directory: mkdir /run/soas
      • Mount the .iso file to make it accessible as a disk: mount /path/to/downloaded.iso /run/soas/
        (Where /path/to/downloaded.iso is the filesystem path, or fully specified name, of the downloaded .iso file.)
        This is the source for the installation, and must remain mounted until the installation is complete.
      • Insert a USB stick of 2 GB or greater capacity into your computer.
      • With root user permissions at a terminal or console command line, use the command sudo df -Th or sudo blkid to get the USB device node name.
      • (Items in angle brackets, such as <MyAccount> are descriptive placeholders.)
         You should see something like the following:
      • Unmount the USB device filesystem:
        umount /run/media/<MyAccount>/<MyUSBdiscMountPoint>
        (The /run/media/<MyAccount>/ path is the standard mount point. Other operating systems may use /media/<MyMountPoint>.)
      • (You should have the isomd5sum package installed so that the following installation script can verify the download.)

    3. Load: Execute the following installation command, as the root user, in one command line with many options:
      /run/soas/LiveOS/livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 500 --home-size-mb 500 --unencrypted-home /path/to/downloaded.iso /dev/sd?1
      The '?' in the final parameter represents the target USB device scsi drive node, such as sdb1 or sdc1, etc., and /path/to/downloaded.iso is the location and name of the .iso file.
      The operating system will occupy ~960 MB, and the overlay and home size arguments, 500 and 500, were selected to fit in a 2 GB device. These may be adjusted depending on your preferences and device capacity (see LiveOS image). On a 4 GB device, one might use 1000 and 1600 for the size arguments.
       The installation transcript should look something like the following:

    4. Boot: Insert the USB stick into a bootable USB port on your computer. Set the option to "boot from USB" in your computer's BIOS setup, and then start up the computer.

    • To create more Sugar Sticks on other 2 GB or greater USB or SD devices, while running Sugar on a Stick, one may run the Terminal Activity, and execute this command as the root user:
      livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 500 --home-size-mb 500 --delete-home --unencrypted-home /run/initramfs/livedev /dev/sd?1
    Replace /dev/sd?1 with a new device node for the second USB/SD device that you want to load with Sugar on a Stick.
    (See Sugar on a Stick/Linux for more details.)
    Note: The graphical Liveusb-creator is an alternative installation method (see the first Windows method), but it does not create the separate home.img filesystem, and so, the write-once persistent storage on the disk is more quickly consumed (see LiveOS image). If the USB device does not boot after running Liveusb-creator, the command liveusb-creator --reset-mbr may help.

    Sugar on a Stick on Raspberry Pi 2/3

    Moved to

    on an OLPC XO


    Very slow but works

    Hard disk and alternate USB stick installations

    with a Netinstall CD

    • Fedora with the Sugar graphical environment
    • Installs to a hard disk or to a 4 GB USB stick (not a LiveOS image like SoaS, but all of Sugar).
    This requires a high-speed Internet connection for software component downloading during installation.

    with the liveinst command

    ..from a booted Fedora 16 SoaS Live CD/USB
    • Installs to a hard disk or a 4 GB USB stick. You start with a SoaS LiveOS image, and then load an uncompressed version onto the hard disk or USB stick.
    The Fedora-16-Live-SoaS.iso file is a 443 MB download.

    SoaS on VirtualBox

    Chat room help

    • Sugar chat room in Español (with translations to English)
      Pida ayuda a través de este canal #sugar-es Por favor, sea cortés y hacer sus preguntas.
      Los voluntarios no pueden estar en línea todo el tiempo.
      Sea paciente y permanecer conectado durante varios minutos para ver su respuest.
      (Utilizar la función de meeting para la traducción de estos artículos.)

    Backup and Restore

    Some backup and restore options for Sugar on a Stick include the following:

    • Backup and Restore - these are Activities that can be used on any Sugar installation to backup or restore the Sugar Journal.

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