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<small>''This article is about the biblical God.  For the term as used to refer to any divine being, see [[Other Gods]]''</small>
{{Graduate|Some useful stuff in here}}
[[Image:Alphaomega.jpg|thumb|200px|God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the ending]]
{{cquote|'''Genesis 1:1'''<br />In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.}}
{{trinity}}'''God''' is the sovereign creator and eternal ruler of all things and beings that exist, whether in the physical [[universe]] or in the spiritual realm ([[Heaven]]).  Not only is God the creator and ruler of the things and beings within those two realms, but he is also the creator of the realms themselves. God created the physical universe, and before he acted in this creation, the universe did not exist. Likewise God did with the spiritual realm.
== God is Revealed: How we know about God ==
<noinclude>{{TeamHeader|Sugar Labs|home=Community Home|meeting_link=Events|meeting_label=Events Calendar}}</noinclude>
: '''[[Talk:Sugar Labs/FAQ | Post new questions here]]''', or follow the question links at the top of the major sections, or visit [[:Category:FAQ]].
: '''[[Talk:Sugar Labs/FAQ | Post new questions here]]'''.
=== What is Sugar? ===
:Sugar is an educational software platform built with the Python programming language and based on the principles of cognitive and social constructivism. See [[What is Sugar?]].
Other than creation itself, God is revealed in several ways, including conscience and special revelation (the bible, and prophets). Most importantly though, God is revealed in [[Jesus Christ]], who is the Son of God.
=== Who is doing Sugar development? ===
:Sugar is a community project where all work is done by volunteers. You can get an idea of the people involved from the [[Development Team/Release/Modules]] page.
== Attributes or Character of God ==
=== Does Sugar support Android? ===
The attributes of God are things that describe who he is. Similar to the way one might describe a close friend to another individual, so too do these attributes describe God's character and nature. Attributes of God include but are not limited to [[Wisdom]], [[Infinitude]], [[Sovereignty]], [[Holiness]], [[Trinity]], [[Omniscience]], [[Faithfulness]], [[Love]], [[Omnipotence]], [[Self-existence]], [[Self-sufficiency]], [[Justice]], [[Immutability]], [[Mercy]], [[Eternal]], [[Goodness]], [[Gracious]], and [[Omnipresence]]. These attributes all work in complete and perfect harmony with one another.
: Not at this time, although there are some developers working to change that situation. See this [http://www.mail-archive.com/iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org/msg13765.html mailing list thread].
God exercises eternal and righteous judgment of the wicked in [[hell]], because of an inherent problem in the human heart, namely [[Sin]]. According to the [[Bible]], the sacrifice of [[Jesus Christ]] on the cross of [[calvary]] and then [[resurrection]], is God's merciful and gracious response to the problem of the human heart.
=== What makes Sugar different from other educational software platforms? ===
* See [[Marketing Team/Website#Website_2|Website sandbox]].
:The Sugar interface, in its departure from the desktop metaphor for computing, is the first serious attempt to create a user interface that is based on both cognitive and social constructivism: learners should engage in authentic exploration and collaboration. It is based on three very simple principles about what makes us human: (1) everyone is a teacher and a learner; (2) humans by their nature are social beings; and (3) humans by their nature are expressive. These are the pillars of a user experience for learning.  
=== God is Triune ===
:Sugar also considers two aphorisms: (1) you learn through doing, so if you want more learning, you want more doing; and (2) love is a better master than duty—you want people to engage in things that are authentic to them, things that they love.
Although the Bible does not use the term, it is clear that God is a triune God, or three in one.
:The presence of other people is inherent to the Sugar interface: collaboration is a first-order experience. Students and teachers engage in a dialog with each other, support each other, critique each other, and share ideas.  
These are sometimes referred to as ''God the Father'', ''God the Son'' ([[Jesus Christ|Jesus]]), and the ''[[Holy Spirit]]''.
The first hint of the Trinity is in {{Bible ref|Genesis|1|26}} which relates God saying, "Let us make man in our image", indicating that God is a plurality.
:Sugar is also discoverable: it can accommodate a wide variety of users, with different levels of skill in terms of reading, language, and different levels of experience with computing. It is easy to approach, and yet it doesn't put an upper bound on personal expression; one can peel away layers and go deeper and deeper, with few restrictions.
The three persons of God are treated as equivalents in these words of Jesus shortly after His resurrection:
:Sugar is based on Python, an interpreted language, allowing the direct appropriation of ideas: in whatever realm the learner is exploring—music, browsing, reading, writing, programming, graphics, etc.—they are able to drill deeper; they are not going to hit a wall, since they can, at every level, engage in debugging both their personal expression and the very tools that they use for that expression.
{{Bible quote|Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.|book=Matthew|chap=28|verses=19|version=NIV}}
==== Jesus is God ====
==Using Sugar==
: '''[[Talk:Sugar Labs/FAQ | Post new questions here]]'''.
=== Who can use Sugar and how do they benefit? ===
:Sugar is a free software project, freely available to anyone who wants to use it or improve upon it.
The first verse of the [[Gospel of John]], in which Jesus is referred to as the "Word", makes clear that Jesus is synonymous with God:
:The Sugar platform was designed for young children (K–6), but it is finding applicability in a number of different venues where the simplicity of design maps is an enabler, e.g., mobile applications, the elderly, etc.  
{{Bible quote|In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.|book=John|chap=1|verses=1|version=NIV}}
This verse not only says that "the Word" (Jesus) is synonymous with God, but also says that the Word was "in the beginning", which means that He existed before all else existed, something that is only true of God.
This is reinforced two verses later, in which Jesus is described as the creator.
:'''Why Sugar?''' Sugar will engage even the youngest learner in the use of computation as a powerful "thing to think with." They will quickly become proficient in using the computer as a tool to engage in authentic problem-solving. Sugar users develop skills that help them in all aspects of life.
[[Genesis]] refers to God as being the Creator.
* Sugar comes with hundreds of tools for discovery through exploring, expressing, and sharing: browsing, writing, rich media, etc.
{{Bible quote|Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.|book=John|chap=1|verses=3|version=NIV}}
* Sugar comes with a built-in collaboration system: peer-to-peer learning; always-on support; and single-click sharing.
* Sugar comes with built-in tools for reflection; a built-in portfolio assessment tool that serves as a forum for discussion between children, their parents, and their teachers.
* The Sugar learning platform is discoverable: it uses simple means to reach to complex ends with no upper bound on where you can reach.
* Sugar is designed for local appropriation: it has built-in tools for making changes and improvements and a growing global community of support.
* Sugar puts an emphasis on learning through doing and debugging: more engaged learners are to tackle authentic problems.
* Sugar is available in a wide variety of forms: as part of GNU/Linux distributions; LiveUSB/CD; and in  virtual machines or emulation.
:There is a further summary of the Sugar benefits [[Deployment Team/Small_deployment_guide#Why_Sugar|here]].
==== The Holy Spirit is God ====
In the following passage, the [[Holy Spirit]] is referred to as God:
=== How can I get online with the Live USB/CD, and what can I do then? ===
{{Bible quote|Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God."|book=Acts|chap=5|verses=3-4|version=NIV}}
=== God is omniscient ===
:The Live USB device must be inserted into a USB port on your computer, the Live CD must be in your CD-ROM or DVD drive, when you start your computer, and your BIOS settings should be set to first look for an operating system there on the USB or CD-ROM device. If the settings are okay, the Live USB/CD will boot.
God knows everything:
:After a little while, you will be prompted for a name and you will get to choose the colour of your avatar. This is a small X, like the arms and legs of a human, with an O as the head above the X. This is "you".
{{Bible quote|This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.|book=1_John|chap=3|verses=19-20|version=NIV}}
Because God is outside of [[time]], He can see and knows the [[past]] and the [[future]] as well as the present.
:Wait a little longer, and you will see "yourself" in the middle of the screen. Just below "you", is your journal, where everything you do is recorded.  
== "God" sometimes used to refer to God the Father ==
:In the top left corner of the Frame is a circle of smaller circles. This is your Neighbourhood-circle. At the moment, only nearby wireless access points are visible as small coloured circles - more colour inside means better signal strength. Let your mouse pointer hover above a circle to see the name of the wireless network. A small padlock means you need to supply a username and password to access the network. Click the circle you would like to access. It should be a wireless network you know will grant you Internet access once you are connected. If the network is protected with a padlock, you will be prompted for a valid username and password at this point, so give these and click the OK-button. If everything is okay, you are now connected.
[[Image:Velasco Padre Eterno.jpg|left|140px|God the Father]]
In the bible, the word "God" (θεός) does not always refer to God's being as a whole, but more specifically refers to the Person of the Father (God the Father). Here are some verses which demonstrate this:
{{cquote|'''John 3:16''' (NASB)<br />For <u>God</u> so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten <u>Son</u>, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.}}
{{cquote|'''1 John 4:10''' (NASB)<br />In this is love, not that we loved <u>God</u>, but that He loved us and sent <u>His Son</u> to be the propitiation for our sins.}}
Notice how in each case, "Father" can be substituted for "God." For example, "For the ''Father'' so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son," and "not that we loved the ''Father'', but that He loved us and sent His Son."
== Terminology ==
:You should soon see many small avatars like your own in your neighbourhood. Hover your mouse pointer above them to see their usernames.
The Bible uses several different words to refer to God.
:In the top left corner next to the Neighbourhood-circle, is your Friends-circle. You don't have any Sugar-friends at the moment, so this will be empty. Next to the Friends-circle is a circle with a single dot - that's right - it means you. Click the You-circle, and you will get back to you and your activities.
"God" itself is not a name, but an [[Old English]] word meaning ''supreme being, diety'',<ref>[http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=god God] Online Etymology Dictionary.</ref> which the translators who translated the Bible in to English chose as the appropriate English word for the [[Hebrew]] ''elohim'' and the [[Greek]] ''theos'' used in the [[Old Testament]] and [[New Testament]] respectively.<ref name="DPK">Kruse, Dale P.,[http://www.layevangelism.com/advtxbk/sections/sect-10/sec10-9.htm More on the ''Names'' of God In the Bible], Advanced Training Program of Evangelism.</ref>
The other main term for God is the Hebrew ''adonai'', usually translated ''Lord''.
:Surrounding your avatar on the Home screen are many activities, so click the one that looks like a cartoon talk bubble to start the Chat-activity or some other activity - like the Paint-activity or the Calculator-activity. After a little while, the new activity opens. In the top right corner of all activities is a small menu, which says "Share with:". Click this to unfold the options, and choose Neighbourhood by clicking on it.
There are various compound words also used in the Bible, such as ''el shaddai'', which means ''God Almighty'' ("''el''" is a short version of ''elohim'').<ref name="DPK" />
''YHWH'' is given in the Bible as God's actual name. In most English Bibles it is translated as <span style="font-variant:small-caps">''Lord''</span>, in small capitals.  The name has various other English versions, including Yehovah, Jehovah, and Yahweh.<ref>McHyde, Tim, [http://www.escapeallthesethings.com/yahweh.htm God’s Name: LORD, Yahweh, Yahveh, YHWH, YHVH, Jehovah or Yehovah?]</ref>
:Click the Neighbourhood-circle again, and you will notice that the activity is now visible to everyone in your neighbourhood. If you hover your mouse button over an activity in your neighbourhood, a small menu will unfold where you may choose to join the activity by selecting "Join" from the activity's menu. Remember, your neighbourhood is the entire world! People in other parts of the world may be working or sleeping when you start sharing your activities, so be patient - it might be many hours before anyone is available for a chat. Enjoy! :-)
==See also==
=== Does Sugar run on {GNU/Linux, Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE, MAC OS, Windows, etc.}? ===
*[[Other gods]]
:Please refer to the [[Supported systems]] page for an up-to-date list of supported systems.
*[[Christianity in Conservapedia]]
== References ==
=== Is there an image of the OS that can be run on a PC? ===
:You can download a Live USB image at [[Sugar on a Stick]] and a Live CD version of Sugar at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LiveCd, or run Sugar natively on a [[Supported systems|supported system]]. (The language can be set from the Sugar-control-panel or My Settings link on the avatar panel.)
==External links==
=== Does Sugar run on an ASUS Eee PC (or other "ultra-mobile" or "mini" PCs)?===
*[http://www.theopedia.com/God Theopedia - God]
Yes. If it can run GNU/Linux and GNOME, it can run Sugar. Try [[Sugar on a Stick]] as a way to get started, but you should be able install it natively as well.
*[http://christiananswers.net/dictionary/god.html ChristianAnswers.net - God]
*[http://wikible.org/en/God Wikible.org - God]
*[http://www.opposingviews.com/questions/is-there-a-god Opposing Views: Is There a God?]
=== Is it possible to have mesh support with the Live USB/CD ? ===
[[Category:Divine Beings]]
Q: If I understand this correctly, mesh support means your wireless card functions as both an access point/router and a network node. In short, your wireless computer can pass along packages from nearby wireless computers and the other way round. Do you need special wireless cards for this, or is this a driver/software issue that could be fixed in the Live CD, so that more people can experience mesh networks?
:A: Yes, it will be possible to have [http://www.open80211s.org/trac/wiki/HOWTO-0.2.1 mesh support] with the Live CD shortly, provided you have a suitable wireless card.
:[http://www.o11s.org/ open80211s] is an Free/Libre Open-source implementation of the emerging IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh standard. It has been accepted in the mainline Linux kernel and is included in release 2.6.26. The resulting software will run on GNU/Linux on commodity PC hardware.
:Open80211s is based on the mac80211 wireless stack and should run on any of the wireless cards that mac80211 supports. At present, September 2008, four families of drivers are supported or partially supported. The ath5k driver supports Atheros WLAN based chipsets, the b43 driver supports the 802.11 B/G family of wireless chips Broadcom produces, libertas_tf supports the Marvell 88W83886 USB device as found in the OLPC XO-1 laptop, and the zd1211rw driver covers a large proportion of USB-wireless devices on the consumer market as these are based on the ZyDAS ZD1211. Several months after the acquisition, Atheros rebranded the ZyDAS ZD1211 chip to AR5007UG.
=== Are there any platforms where Sugar runs on? ===
:The Sugar Learning Platform is a leading learning platform that began in the famous One Laptop Per Child project. It is used every day by nearly 3 million children around the world. [http://sugarizer.org/ Sugarizer] is a web implementation of the platform and runs on every device - from tiny Raspberry Pi computers to small Android and iOS phones to tablets and to laptops and desktops. It has 3 broad components:
:1. Web Application: a web application that runs in modern web browsers
:2. Application: an installable app for every operating system
:3. Server: a nodejs/express server for applications to connect with
:Enjoy the experience and help us reach every child on every device in every country.
== Sugar Labs ==
: '''[[Talk:Sugar Labs/FAQ | Post new questions here]]'''.
=== What is Sugar Labs? ===
:Sugar Labs, a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, serves as a support base and gathering place for the community of educators and software developers who want to extend the Sugar platform and who have been creating Sugar-compatible applications.
=== What is the mission of Sugar Labs? ===
:The overarching mission of Sugar Labs is to support the Sugar platform through software development, and community outreach and support. The purpose of the Sugar platform is provide a software and content environment that enhances learning. Towards this end, Sugar is designed to facilitate learners to “explore, express, debug, and critique.”
=== What are the principles that guide Sugar Labs? ===
:Sugar Labs subscribes to principle that learning thrives within a culture of freedom of expression, hence it has a natural affinity with the free software movement (Please see [[Sugar_Labs#Principles|Principles]] page in this wiki for more details). The core Sugar platform has been developed under a GNU General Public License (GPL); individual activities may be under different licenses.
=== What is the relationship of Sugar Labs to One Laptop per Child? ===
:Sugar was originally developed as the user interface (UI) for the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO-1 laptop. Sugar Labs was established as an independent entity in order to facilitate the growth of Sugar beyond any single hardware platform. While Sugar Labs has a cooperative working relationship with OLPC, it is by no means an exclusive or proprietary relationship. Sugar Labs is not bound to any specific hardware platform or GNU/Linux distribution (Please see [[Supported systems]]).
:Sugar Labs is the upstream community for the Sugar project. Sugar Labs welcomes a close working relationship with OLPC. Sugar Labs also welcomes cooperation with other laptop and computer manufacturers and software and content providers.
:OLPC and Sugar Labs are not diverging, we are on the same page; we are both hoping to fund and support Sugar so that we can continue to provide the best learning experience for children. The Sugar Labs initiative is consistent with taking Sugar to the next level; this is not inconsistent with what OLPC is doing. Any help from outside or inside OLPC should help establish Sugar as a more stable and better product.
=== What is the standard Sugar license? ===
:Materials created by the Sugar Labs contributors are usually shared on GNU GPL free software license.
=== What is a Sugar Activity? ===
:Activity is a small educational application (like this one) built into Sugar. Anyone can create an activity, you too...!
=== Who is upstream for Sugar? ===
:Sugar Labs is the upstream for the Sugar project.
=== Who is Sugar Labs? ===
:Sugar is a community project, so it is the sum of those of you who participate. Sugar Labs was started by some Sugar-community members: [[User:Walter|Walter Bender]], [[User:ChristophD|Christoph Derndorfer]], [[User:Bert|Bert Freudenberg]], [[User:Marcopg|Marco Pesenti Gritti]], [[User:Bernie|Bernardo Innocenti]], Aaron Kaplan, [[User:Erikos|Simon Schampijer]], and [[User:Tomeu|Tomeu Vizoso]]. We have rules of [[Sugar Labs/Governance | governance]] that have been vetted by a process of public discussion.
=== How do I get involved? ===
:Please see the [[Sugar Labs/Getting Involved|Getting Involved]] page in this wiki.
=== How do I learn more about Sugar Labs? ===
:Check out the following additional FAQs, and join the IAEP mailing list and ask us about anything related to the project that isn't related to code.
* [[Activity Team/FAQ|Activities]]
* [[Deployment Team/FAQ|Deployment]]
* [[Design Team/FAQ|Design]]
* [[Development Team/FAQ|Development]]
* [[Documentation Team/FAQ|Documentation]]
* [[Education Team/FAQ|Education]]
* [[Infrastructure Team/FAQ|Infrastructure]]
* [[Local Labs/FAQ|Local Labs]]
* [[Marketing Team/FAQ|Marketing]]
* [[Math4Team/FAQ|Math4 Project]]
* [[Oversight Board|Oversight Board]]
* [[Sugar on a Stick/FAQ|Sugar on a Stick]]
* [[BugSquad/FAQ|Testing]]
* [[Translation Team/FAQ|Translation]]
* [[Wiki Team/FAQ| Wiki]]
[[Category:General public]]

Latest revision as of 13:08, 18 October 2024

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Post new questions here, or follow the question links at the top of the major sections, or visit Category:FAQ.


Post new questions here.

What is Sugar?

Sugar is an educational software platform built with the Python programming language and based on the principles of cognitive and social constructivism. See What is Sugar?.

Who is doing Sugar development?

Sugar is a community project where all work is done by volunteers. You can get an idea of the people involved from the Development Team/Release/Modules page.

Does Sugar support Android?

Not at this time, although there are some developers working to change that situation. See this mailing list thread.

What makes Sugar different from other educational software platforms?

The Sugar interface, in its departure from the desktop metaphor for computing, is the first serious attempt to create a user interface that is based on both cognitive and social constructivism: learners should engage in authentic exploration and collaboration. It is based on three very simple principles about what makes us human: (1) everyone is a teacher and a learner; (2) humans by their nature are social beings; and (3) humans by their nature are expressive. These are the pillars of a user experience for learning.
Sugar also considers two aphorisms: (1) you learn through doing, so if you want more learning, you want more doing; and (2) love is a better master than duty—you want people to engage in things that are authentic to them, things that they love.
The presence of other people is inherent to the Sugar interface: collaboration is a first-order experience. Students and teachers engage in a dialog with each other, support each other, critique each other, and share ideas.
Sugar is also discoverable: it can accommodate a wide variety of users, with different levels of skill in terms of reading, language, and different levels of experience with computing. It is easy to approach, and yet it doesn't put an upper bound on personal expression; one can peel away layers and go deeper and deeper, with few restrictions.
Sugar is based on Python, an interpreted language, allowing the direct appropriation of ideas: in whatever realm the learner is exploring—music, browsing, reading, writing, programming, graphics, etc.—they are able to drill deeper; they are not going to hit a wall, since they can, at every level, engage in debugging both their personal expression and the very tools that they use for that expression.

Using Sugar

Post new questions here.

Who can use Sugar and how do they benefit?

Sugar is a free software project, freely available to anyone who wants to use it or improve upon it.
The Sugar platform was designed for young children (K–6), but it is finding applicability in a number of different venues where the simplicity of design maps is an enabler, e.g., mobile applications, the elderly, etc.
Why Sugar? Sugar will engage even the youngest learner in the use of computation as a powerful "thing to think with." They will quickly become proficient in using the computer as a tool to engage in authentic problem-solving. Sugar users develop skills that help them in all aspects of life.
  • Sugar comes with hundreds of tools for discovery through exploring, expressing, and sharing: browsing, writing, rich media, etc.
  • Sugar comes with a built-in collaboration system: peer-to-peer learning; always-on support; and single-click sharing.
  • Sugar comes with built-in tools for reflection; a built-in portfolio assessment tool that serves as a forum for discussion between children, their parents, and their teachers.
  • The Sugar learning platform is discoverable: it uses simple means to reach to complex ends with no upper bound on where you can reach.
  • Sugar is designed for local appropriation: it has built-in tools for making changes and improvements and a growing global community of support.
  • Sugar puts an emphasis on learning through doing and debugging: more engaged learners are to tackle authentic problems.
  • Sugar is available in a wide variety of forms: as part of GNU/Linux distributions; LiveUSB/CD; and in virtual machines or emulation.
There is a further summary of the Sugar benefits here.

How can I get online with the Live USB/CD, and what can I do then?

The Live USB device must be inserted into a USB port on your computer, the Live CD must be in your CD-ROM or DVD drive, when you start your computer, and your BIOS settings should be set to first look for an operating system there on the USB or CD-ROM device. If the settings are okay, the Live USB/CD will boot.
After a little while, you will be prompted for a name and you will get to choose the colour of your avatar. This is a small X, like the arms and legs of a human, with an O as the head above the X. This is "you".
Wait a little longer, and you will see "yourself" in the middle of the screen. Just below "you", is your journal, where everything you do is recorded.
In the top left corner of the Frame is a circle of smaller circles. This is your Neighbourhood-circle. At the moment, only nearby wireless access points are visible as small coloured circles - more colour inside means better signal strength. Let your mouse pointer hover above a circle to see the name of the wireless network. A small padlock means you need to supply a username and password to access the network. Click the circle you would like to access. It should be a wireless network you know will grant you Internet access once you are connected. If the network is protected with a padlock, you will be prompted for a valid username and password at this point, so give these and click the OK-button. If everything is okay, you are now connected.
You should soon see many small avatars like your own in your neighbourhood. Hover your mouse pointer above them to see their usernames.
In the top left corner next to the Neighbourhood-circle, is your Friends-circle. You don't have any Sugar-friends at the moment, so this will be empty. Next to the Friends-circle is a circle with a single dot - that's right - it means you. Click the You-circle, and you will get back to you and your activities.
Surrounding your avatar on the Home screen are many activities, so click the one that looks like a cartoon talk bubble to start the Chat-activity or some other activity - like the Paint-activity or the Calculator-activity. After a little while, the new activity opens. In the top right corner of all activities is a small menu, which says "Share with:". Click this to unfold the options, and choose Neighbourhood by clicking on it.
Click the Neighbourhood-circle again, and you will notice that the activity is now visible to everyone in your neighbourhood. If you hover your mouse button over an activity in your neighbourhood, a small menu will unfold where you may choose to join the activity by selecting "Join" from the activity's menu. Remember, your neighbourhood is the entire world! People in other parts of the world may be working or sleeping when you start sharing your activities, so be patient - it might be many hours before anyone is available for a chat. Enjoy! :-)

Does Sugar run on {GNU/Linux, Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE, MAC OS, Windows, etc.}?

Please refer to the Supported systems page for an up-to-date list of supported systems.

Is there an image of the OS that can be run on a PC?

You can download a Live USB image at Sugar on a Stick and a Live CD version of Sugar at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LiveCd, or run Sugar natively on a supported system. (The language can be set from the Sugar-control-panel or My Settings link on the avatar panel.)

Does Sugar run on an ASUS Eee PC (or other "ultra-mobile" or "mini" PCs)?

Yes. If it can run GNU/Linux and GNOME, it can run Sugar. Try Sugar on a Stick as a way to get started, but you should be able install it natively as well.

Is it possible to have mesh support with the Live USB/CD ?

Q: If I understand this correctly, mesh support means your wireless card functions as both an access point/router and a network node. In short, your wireless computer can pass along packages from nearby wireless computers and the other way round. Do you need special wireless cards for this, or is this a driver/software issue that could be fixed in the Live CD, so that more people can experience mesh networks?

A: Yes, it will be possible to have mesh support with the Live CD shortly, provided you have a suitable wireless card.
open80211s is an Free/Libre Open-source implementation of the emerging IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh standard. It has been accepted in the mainline Linux kernel and is included in release 2.6.26. The resulting software will run on GNU/Linux on commodity PC hardware.
Open80211s is based on the mac80211 wireless stack and should run on any of the wireless cards that mac80211 supports. At present, September 2008, four families of drivers are supported or partially supported. The ath5k driver supports Atheros WLAN based chipsets, the b43 driver supports the 802.11 B/G family of wireless chips Broadcom produces, libertas_tf supports the Marvell 88W83886 USB device as found in the OLPC XO-1 laptop, and the zd1211rw driver covers a large proportion of USB-wireless devices on the consumer market as these are based on the ZyDAS ZD1211. Several months after the acquisition, Atheros rebranded the ZyDAS ZD1211 chip to AR5007UG.

Are there any platforms where Sugar runs on?

The Sugar Learning Platform is a leading learning platform that began in the famous One Laptop Per Child project. It is used every day by nearly 3 million children around the world. Sugarizer is a web implementation of the platform and runs on every device - from tiny Raspberry Pi computers to small Android and iOS phones to tablets and to laptops and desktops. It has 3 broad components:
1. Web Application: a web application that runs in modern web browsers
2. Application: an installable app for every operating system
3. Server: a nodejs/express server for applications to connect with
Enjoy the experience and help us reach every child on every device in every country.

Sugar Labs

Post new questions here.

What is Sugar Labs?

Sugar Labs, a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, serves as a support base and gathering place for the community of educators and software developers who want to extend the Sugar platform and who have been creating Sugar-compatible applications.

What is the mission of Sugar Labs?

The overarching mission of Sugar Labs is to support the Sugar platform through software development, and community outreach and support. The purpose of the Sugar platform is provide a software and content environment that enhances learning. Towards this end, Sugar is designed to facilitate learners to “explore, express, debug, and critique.”

What are the principles that guide Sugar Labs?

Sugar Labs subscribes to principle that learning thrives within a culture of freedom of expression, hence it has a natural affinity with the free software movement (Please see Principles page in this wiki for more details). The core Sugar platform has been developed under a GNU General Public License (GPL); individual activities may be under different licenses.

What is the relationship of Sugar Labs to One Laptop per Child?

Sugar was originally developed as the user interface (UI) for the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO-1 laptop. Sugar Labs was established as an independent entity in order to facilitate the growth of Sugar beyond any single hardware platform. While Sugar Labs has a cooperative working relationship with OLPC, it is by no means an exclusive or proprietary relationship. Sugar Labs is not bound to any specific hardware platform or GNU/Linux distribution (Please see Supported systems).
Sugar Labs is the upstream community for the Sugar project. Sugar Labs welcomes a close working relationship with OLPC. Sugar Labs also welcomes cooperation with other laptop and computer manufacturers and software and content providers.
OLPC and Sugar Labs are not diverging, we are on the same page; we are both hoping to fund and support Sugar so that we can continue to provide the best learning experience for children. The Sugar Labs initiative is consistent with taking Sugar to the next level; this is not inconsistent with what OLPC is doing. Any help from outside or inside OLPC should help establish Sugar as a more stable and better product.

What is the standard Sugar license?

Materials created by the Sugar Labs contributors are usually shared on GNU GPL free software license.

What is a Sugar Activity?

Activity is a small educational application (like this one) built into Sugar. Anyone can create an activity, you too...!

Who is upstream for Sugar?

Sugar Labs is the upstream for the Sugar project.

Who is Sugar Labs?

Sugar is a community project, so it is the sum of those of you who participate. Sugar Labs was started by some Sugar-community members: Walter Bender, Christoph Derndorfer, Bert Freudenberg, Marco Pesenti Gritti, Bernardo Innocenti, Aaron Kaplan, Simon Schampijer, and Tomeu Vizoso. We have rules of governance that have been vetted by a process of public discussion.

How do I get involved?

Please see the Getting Involved page in this wiki.

How do I learn more about Sugar Labs?

Check out the following additional FAQs, and join the IAEP mailing list and ask us about anything related to the project that isn't related to code.