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(Added a page about the ASLO2 idea)
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Revision as of 03:30, 23 May 2014

The aslo2 is a hypothetical revision of the aslo site that brings new features. This pages discusses them.

You can find the code here: https://github.com/SAMdroid-apps/aslo/

JSON Backend

The data about the activities is stored in a json file. This json file is available via GitHub (currently https://github.com/SAMdroid-apps/sugar-activities). This is served with the correct content type here: http://aslo-bot-master.sugarlabs.org/data.json

Activity Buildbots

The aslo2 integrates a lot with GitHub. It offers a web hook for which the activity can be automatically built and listing data extracted.

Here is a diagram of the network:

   GitHub ----Hook-Request----> Bot Master  <----Activity-Data------.
     ^                            |    ^------Request-For-Task---> Bots

Here is a list of data sorces for the activity listing:


Here are a few points:

  • Live updating - via websockets
  • Replying to comments
  • 4 comment types: bug, question, idea and rating

Design / UX

SAMdroid (talk) I think it looks nicer. You compare: http://imgur.com/C4oxFtS

It is a html5 site with ajax, rather than just server side pages.