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Fedora and the Infinity design logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.

some of the older versions listed here ^ may be security risks- for archive purposes only

Fedora 31

Fedora 31-rawhide

  • updated June/06/2019

f28 end of life

"Fedora 28 will be EOL on Tuesday, May 28th, 2019. On this day we are going to close all of the Fedora 28 bugs which remain open [1]. You have a few weeks remaining to submit updates, if you have any, before the Fedora 28 release becomes unsupported. [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/30/HouseKeeping#Fedora_28_EOL_Clo... -- Ben Cotton "

Upgrading f30 to f31

f30 Common Bugs

FEDORA User Docs



works fine in VMM
  • f1 network neighborhood with XO's when "jabber.sugarlabs.org" is added to network:
  • battery indicator in frame

Fedora MediaWriter

"What changes when Rpi 3B+;Rpi2B+; or "other is selected in version ?"

  • satellit May 19, 2019

"Nothing, really. The tentative plan was to support more ARM spins in the future but no work towards that was done yet."

  • Martin Bříza:5/20/2019



ask for help on IRC freenode #cinnamon


Install Virtual Machine Manager in gnome software or (Virtual Machine Manager) virt-manager
add: QEMU/KVM user session (Use this to install from ...iso)

Install Documents



"Fedora supports the the Raspberry Pi Model 2B and 3-series of devices including the 3B, 3B+, 3A+, 3CM and 3CM+ in Fedora 29 and later releases."

https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/Advanced_Topics#Raspberry_Pi_.2F_RPi (old work)
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Virt_ARM_on_x86 (install arm in VMM)

Sugar on other distributions

http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Ubuntu_on_rpi3 (Ubuntu)
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Ubuntu_on_rpi3#Ubuntu-MATE-sugar-desktop_on_raspberry_pi2-3 (Ubuntu)
https://people.sugarlabs.org/rishabh/ (debian)
https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi2 (OpenSuse)
https://en.opensuse.org/Sugar https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensuse-edu/files/ (sugar)
http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/ (centos)
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch/armhfp#head-2c416cfaecdf675f43a5be7a81ad50e81e640c93 (add epl)

Rpi3B+ vs Rpi4

important review
Note that USB3 Ports on RPi4 are Blue
Note that the Red and white enclosure of the Rpi4 allows overheating of the board; run with cover off
(lightning bolt warning in right upper corner appears when too hot)

Rpi-3b installer+



Testing of f31 arm (raw) images
Installation method used for testing
  1. Download Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-Rawhide-20190619.n.0-sda.raw.xz file to /Downloads
  2. extract here to expand to Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-Rawhide-20190619.n.0-sda.raw file
  3. start Fedora Media Writer/select Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-Rawhide-20190619.n.0-sda.raw file in "Custom"
  4. insert micro SD into usb Card Reader and plug in it's USB
  5. select RPiB3+ and write Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-Rawhide-20190619.n.0-sda.raw file
  6. exit Fedora MediaWriter
  7. start gparted and expand partition 3 to full size of micro SD (Class 10 32 GB)
  8. insert mico SD in RPi3B+ slot and power up.
  9. install Nodebug kernel https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RawhideKernelNodebug
Suggestion save command for nodebug on USB key as text file; copy paste it into terminal when running booted sd.
Working images
Enabling the rawhide kernel nodebug repository
NOTE recent arm images use debug kernel and this fills up the microSD cards quickly; making them freeze up
"fills up sd: bcm2835-dma (messages never stop)
$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/rawhide-kernel-nodebug/fedora-rawhide-kernel-nodebug.repo
$ sudo dnf update
  • Terminal:
sudo dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment
sudo dnf install sugar-runner


seems to lock up when using wired and wireless AP
  • Inital-setup after boot


  • F1 network neighborhood with jabber.sugarlabs.org entered in networking


Sugar-desktop-environment + sugar-runner (both install)
Centos 7
Not Working
interupt waits too long before GRUB if no network cable connection
"lan78xx_eth Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete..."
That happens without ethernet cable plugged in. You can interrupt the waiting by CTRL+C.

sugar desktop in 2nd DE

  • in terminal:
sudo dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment
sudo dnf install sugar-runner
    • run each command separately

How to Clear ./sugar

  • When making a new VM, to clear the Sugar Journal of old entries and to avoid identity conflicts among copies of the VM, enter the command rm -rf ~/.sugar in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown the VM. This will clear all Learner information on the VM and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network between separate copies of the appliance. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a in Terminal.
  • When cloning a customized VM, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use rm -rf ~/.sugar/default/owner.key* in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown the VM. enter in root terminal:su (password) shutdown -h now This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.
  • To clear the Sugar Journal:rm -rf ~/.sugar/default/datastore This may be needed if the Journal becomes clogged with too many entries. USE WITH CAUTION'


livedcd-tools installed in mounted soas f30 usb


"Why not just use livecd-creator? It is still maintained by the community (mainly Neal Gompa, see https://github.com/livecd-tools/livecd-tools ) and it supports this IMHO essential feature. And livecd-creator typically accepts kickstarts written for livemedia-creator with few to no changes, unlike the other way round. Kevin Kofler"


"Freely available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris x86 platforms under GPLv2:"

Available Groups

  • dnf grouplist -v

Available Environment Groups:

  Fedora Custom Operating System (custom-environment)
  Minimal Install (minimal-environment)
  Fedora Server Edition (server-product-environment)
  Fedora Workstation (workstation-product-environment)
  Fedora Cloud Server (cloud-server-environment)
  KDE Plasma Workspaces (kde-desktop-environment)
  Xfce Desktop (xfce-desktop-environment)
  LXDE Desktop (lxde-desktop-environment)
  LXQt Desktop (lxqt-desktop-environment)
  Cinnamon Desktop (cinnamon-desktop-environment)
  Deepin Desktop (deepin-desktop-environment)
  Development and Creative Workstation (developer-workstation-environment)
  Web Server (web-server-environment)
  Infrastructure Server (infrastructure-server-environment)
  Basic Desktop (basic-desktop-environment)

Installed Environment Groups:

  MATE Desktop (mate-desktop-environment)
  Sugar Desktop Environment (sugar-desktop-environment)

Installed Groups:

  Administration Tools (admin-tools)
  LibreOffice (libreoffice)

Available Groups:

  3D Printing (3d-printing)
  Audio Production (audio)
  Authoring and Publishing (authoring-and-publishing)
  Books and Guides (books)
  C Development Tools and Libraries (c-development)
  Cloud Infrastructure (cloud-infrastructure)
  Cloud Management Tools (cloud-management)
  Compiz (compiz)
  Container Management (container-management)
  D Development Tools and Libraries (d-development)
  Design Suite (design-suite)
  Development Tools (development-tools)
  Domain Membership (domain-client)
  Fedora Eclipse (eclipse)
  Editors (editors)
  Educational Software (education)
  Electronic Lab (electronic-lab)
  Engineering and Scientific (engineering-and-scientific)
  FreeIPA Server (freeipa-server)
  Games and Entertainment (games)
  Headless Management (headless-management)
  MATE Applications (mate-applications)
  Medical Applications (medical)
  Milkymist (milkymist)
  Network Servers (network-server)
  Office/Productivity (office)
  Python Classroom (python-classroom)
  Python Science (python-science)
  Robotics (robotics-suite)
  RPM Development Tools (rpm-development-tools)
  Security Lab (security-lab)
  Sound and Video (sound-and-video)
  System Tools (system-tools)
  Text-based Internet (text-internet)
  Window Managers (window-managers)



" Fedora is proud to have been accepted as a GSoC mentoring organization. Student applications open on March 25, 2019."


still in development

"Fedora Silverblue is an immutable desktop operating system, which aims to be extremely stable and reliable. It also aims to be an excellent platform for developers and for those using container-focused workflows."



Endless OS

"Endless OS is a free, easy-to-use operating system preloaded with over 100 apps.."
https://betanews.com/2019/06/12/debian-10-buster-endless-os-linux/ (32GB installer usb - uses flatpacks)
https://github.com/endlessm (github)
https://firefox-flatpak.mojefedora.cz/ (firefox flatpack that installs)
"This is an unofficial Firefox flatpak repository provided by Fedora and Red Hat maintainers and made for testing purposes. "
https://github.com/flathub/org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter/issues/5 (Fedora MediaWriter bug in flatpack)
"Endless OS is built on top of decades of efforts from the free and open-source software community, and we acknowledge a great debt to it. We contribute back to open source projects whenever we can, but not all the software shipped on our computer is open source. Please refer to https://endlessm.com/for-developers developer for more information."