Marketing Team/Events/Sugarcamp Boston 2008/Marketing

Marketing hot topics

  • Allows engagement for all learning styles...(3)
  • Equal opportunity and stretches the student... (3)
  • Low floor, no ceiling (3)
  • The only OS designed for small children (5)
  • Children are not stupid (4)
  • Fulfillment of hope (2)
  • Portfolios (4)
  • Journal (1)
  • Collaboration (13)
  • Anyone can jump in (8)
  • Community (8)
  • Momentum (2)
  • Part of OLPC (big and well organized) (1)
  • Learner & developer (2)
  • MIT Media Lab... Papert, Kay, Dynabook... Engelbart (1)
  • Logo/Scratch/Squeak
  • Not real :(0)
  • XP on XO :(0)
  • Free as in beer (1)
  • Clay Christiansen (“disrupting class”) classic disruption tech. (1)
  • Helps kids in developing countries /participation gap (1)
  • “We are the change...” (0)
  • perception that it is only for developing world (0)
  • Sugar is complete (0)
  • Internet access/digital divide
  • Ending poverty


  • solve more problems because more people will be freed from the chains of ignorance
  • think about computing, not operating systems
  • Sugar enables change
  • end ignorance through expression
  • cooperative discovery
  • cooperation is based on trust
  • more learning
  • learn to challenge the status
  • learn to question every... including Sugar
  • the path from helplessness to empowerment is one way
  • we learn by doing
  • Love is a better master than duty
  • You learn through doing, so if you want more learning, you want more doing
  • Knowledge is a noun, learning is a verb
  • "Technology is anything invented after you were born"