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Features/SoaS Remixability
Build Your Own Soas Remix and Share your Custom.ks File on the wiki.
- Name: [| Thomas Gilliard]
- Email: satellit <at> bendbroadband <dot> com
Current status
- Targeted release: (Soas v4)
- Last updated: (07/27/2010)
- Percentage of completion: 100%
- Content of Instructions on how to build and required format for naming of remixes needs to be discussed and decided
Detailed Description
- Simplified instructions on how to compose or edit a kickstart file for Soas, how to install livecd-tools and spin-kickstarts, and how to enter the commands to create a custom remix.
- Request for feedback and e-mail with attachment of their working .ks file which we will post on the wiki. This will allow others to study and learn how to do it:
- we plan to have a listing of Customized kickstart.files to share on the WIKI
- We will list them here so others can try them out and learn from them.
- Please send e-mail to:
To: soas@lists.sugarlabs.org Subject: [Custom KS]-{Name of your kickstart file} *Attach your Custom.ks file* PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION in e-mail: Sugar Version : (0.82; 0.86.x; 0.88.x; 0.89.x) Country / Deployment : Build system fedora version : Number of USB's in Deployment : PC/Netbooks used : Notes and Any Bug No's submitted :
- Posted links to a Catalog of prebuilt remix.iso's, with a description of their use and contents, allows less skilled users to use them.
Benefit to Sugar
- Allows for great flexibility to customize Soas-v4 for Deployments and individuals.
- add/delete desired applications to standard set on .iso
- Targeted uses:
- Multiple Language versions (Including EU Languages?)
- e-book reader
- Older students
- Games
- Shared kickstart files e-mailed to SOAS and posted to wiki allow others to learn how to make a .ks file and try various remixes.
- Posted links to a Catalog of prebuilt remix.iso's, with a description of their use and contents, allows less skilled users to use them.
It works now. Instructions are written and method is tested.
All a User has to do to implement this is to install livecd-tools and spin-kickstarts in their version of fedora:
su -c 'yum install livecd-tools spin-kickstarts'
- And follow provided instructions.
UI Design
How To Test
Follow these instructions and burn resulting .iso to CD ant test it by Booting it.
User Experience
Wider choices for users of Soas-v4 due to ability to Customize.
None that I know of.
Contingency Plan
Not Needed
Release Notes
None Needed
Comments and Discussion
Caryl Bigenho:
Hi Tom, I love this idea! (I hope it would also include easier SoaS creation on the Mac.) When I lent some of my "Roadshow" library machines to the University of Montana education department to help them prep for a science project, I downloaded a lot of stuff not already there (eg Bridge, Star Chart, etc), then put only them and the essentials (eg Browse, Write, Record) in the favorites and hid all the rest. It would be really nice to be able to create sticks with special focus like this for targeted projects. Caryl