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This page lists known Sugar activities which are in development or have started development.

It also tracks their status using tags:

  • migrated The activity Git repository has moved to
  • works The activity was tested and is known to work.
  • polished This activity is in good shape, that is to say it is in active
  • use or should be.
  • unfinished This activity has been started but is not quite ready to be
  • seen by users.
  • dead The activity is not likely to reach a usable state and we are
  • ignoring it.
  • cool Someone thinks this activity has good potential and would be worth
  • checking out by the ActivityTeam.
  • deprecated Activity should be replaced by a different one.
  • Add more tags here.


URL Description Author Last Commit Status Notes

3dpong 3D pong game Wade Brainerd 4 months ago dead Renamed to bounce, see below.

MIDI-file-player performs MIDI files Greg Thompson 9 months ago

Last Commit dates are relative to 01:19, 14 January 2009 (UTC)