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Revision as of 09:19, 10 September 2010 by Walter (talk | contribs)
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  • The latest community news flashes are published on the main page.

Community News

Archival entries

  • Sugar World Cup 2010
  • Sugar Labs announces the availability of Sugar on a Stick v2, codenamed "Blueberry". It features the Sugar learning environment—Version 0.86—and a number of additional Activities for children, providing a great experience for new and experienced learners. For more information and instructions—how to put SoaS on your USB key or how to deploy it—please refer to our release notes.
  • Read about what is new in our latest release, Sugar 0.86.
  • Try our community-powered support site for the Sugar on a Stick project.
  • Sugar Labs announces the availability of Sugar on a Stick, codenamed "Strawberry". It features the Sugar learning environment—Version 0.84—and a number of additional activities, providing a great experience for new and experienced learners. For more information and instructions—how to put SoaS on your USB key or how to deploy it—please refer to our release notes.
  • 08 Aug 2009 - Try our new, community-powered support site
  • Read the latest memo on learning by Marvin Minsky
  • Consider the status of Sugar after OLPC
  • Take a look at the latest Sugar features in version 0.84
  • Join our activity team
  • Activity Team formed. Our goal is to ensure that Sugar provides a complete set of high quality educational, collaborative, constructivist activities.
  • OLPC downsizes half of its staff, cuts Sugar development, but "OLPC's decision to end its participation in Sugar's evolution doesn't mean that Sugar itself will be coming to an end any time soon. Former OLPC president of software, Walter Bender, who left the organization last year, launched Sugar Labs to facilitate ongoing community-driven development of the Sugar project. Sugar Labs has done well for itself—it recently joined the GNOME Foundation and is currently in informal talks with some hardware vendors."
  • Sugar Labs is joining the GNOME Foundation as part of the GNOME Advisory Board.
  • Sugar Labs officially joins the Software Freedom Conservancy.
  • Sugar Labs will be participating in FUDCon, which will be held at MIT (Cambridge, MA) 9–11 January. If you can attend, please sign up on the FUDConF11 wiki page.
  • Walter Bender gave the keynote at the Netbook World Summit in Paris on 1 December 2008. His notes from the conference are here.
  • SugarCamp was held 17–21 November in Cambridge. Notes for most of the meetings are linked from here.
  • We continue to make progress on the LiveCD and LiveUSB versions of Sugar.
  • Read a Sugar community member's take on Sugar vs XP and the Groklaw take.
  • Check out the FLOSS manual for Write and write a manual for your favorite Activity.
  • Aaron Kaplan has ported Sugar to the Intel Classmate 2. You can read about it here.
  • Sucrose 0.82 has been released.
  • Sugar wins a silver medal in the International Design Excellence Awards '08.